
Monday, May 6, 2013


This week's photo challenge was "Pop" over on the Texture Tuesday site, so I decided to focus on that all important pop of colour that we see this time of year with the arrival of the first Robins of the Spring.  This photo was taken a few weeks ago, before our final snow storm, but it just seemed to provide that hope and promise of things to come. That bright orange breast and belly are a sure sign that winter is finally over!

I did a bit of an adjustment layer before adding Kim's new texture, kk_may, I also had to add a layer of some subtle grey behind the text so it didn't get lost in the cedar.

You can see a screen shot of the processing at the bottom of the post.

When thinking about pops of colour, flowers always 'pop' to mind too, so I've added these other two images, both treated with a layer of kk_may at soft light, with a mask on which the texture was removed from the focal blossom.

Linking up with Our World TuesdayTexture Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday and Orange You Glad It's Friday.


  1. I love these photos and interesting text. Thanks for sharing the process with us.

  2. You are always so creative with your pictures Linda.

  3. Beautiful colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. I agree: such gorgeous colors! And I love reading about the process.

    Have a happy Tuesday. ☺

  5. Beautiful picture. Love the quote and picture and the book! Yes I have been following but not posting here .... I love your art work. Am now here in the US - DS graduated Sunday - busy but good times.

  6. Don't you just love it when you manage to 'capture' a bird? And your flower pops ... breathtaking!

    1. Thanks Dotti. I'm lucky that way because we see a lot of them at the feeders at our cottage.

  7. oh how i love robins! your pops of color just scream spring. makes me so happy. :)

    1. Thanks Kelly. I feel that way about robins too!

  8. You got the best pop of the season - pretty flowers and I love seeing the Robin this time of year. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thanks Shirley. I couldn't agree with you more!

  9. Beautiful photos. The robin is so pretty. Thanks for joining us at OYGIF. Kindly link back to the meme.

    1. Thanks Maria. The link is there, under the last image (screen shot).

  10. I see robins right at our backyard everyday. I have to camp out to take photos. Your shots are beautiful!

    Mary, MI

  11. His bright orange breast really pops in the image. Nicely done.



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