
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Can't Believe It's May!

Here it is May 1st, and finally we're seeing some beautiful Spring weather!  In spite of having journalled every day in my art journal calendar, May seems to have snuck up on me.  I guess I must be having fun 'cause the time sure is flying!

I've been enjoying cycling outside again (as compared to using my trainer inside and literally going no where fast) and I even got out in shorts a couple of days ago. I've done several 50 km rides and a few 40 km when I felt like slacking off.  

Yesterday I wore sandals for the first time this season, so now it is truly official...once those socks come off they stay off until the fall.

April was true to the saying and we had lots of rain, but I'm trusting that we're in for beautiful May flowers.  Here's my May art journal calendar, which holds the promise of pretty blossoms to brighten up the gardens!


  1. I smiled when I read that you won't be wearing socks again until fall. I'm not there yet...but want to be. :)

    1. LOL Actually it's a bit of a fib since I do have to wear my little socks when cycling. Does that count?

  2. Hooray for Spring! Your art journal cover is so colorful, it would inspire me and I'm not even an artist.

    Enjoy every minute of your sockless season!

    1. Thanks Sallie. And yes, my toes are enjoying being out and about!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Spring flowers are my favourite!

  4. I love your colorful journal and this one is one of my favorites, I makes me happy just to look at it :). Thank you for coming to our ready to waltz party!


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