
Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Attempt at a Painted Portrait...

This week I've been participating in Kat McBride's free online class "Let's Draw and Paint Fabulous Faces".  Kat breaks down the process and makes it very do-able (for someone like me who has never painted a face before!).  The class was intended (I think) to teach us to paint semi-realistic 'beautiful girls' for use in our art journals, etc. but never being one to start easy, I decided to try a self portrait.  Well, I don't see a future in portrait painting, but I had fun.  I seem to have grown a bit of a Jay Leno chin. LOL

I played around in Photoshop to see if I could do away with the extra long chin.  ;o)

I think my next effort will be a more whimsical 'pretty girl'...


  1. I think you did a great job for a first timer! Faces are very hard to get right. Something is always off it seems....Frankly I like the ones that are slightly off.

    1. Thanks Roberta. I agree that slightly 'wonky' faces are fun. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun doing random faces of made up people in my art journalling.

  2. quite excellent for a first try

    1. Thanks Faygie. Not sure I'd do too much of this, but it'll be great to know how to do a face in my art journalling.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jean. I must say Kat McBride's lessons really broke things done. Obviously I have a ways to go in doing faces, but I'm please with my first attempt.

  4. Self portraits are not at all easy, I think you have done a great job Linda.I actually prefer a bit of realism when it comes to faces, but what really matters is you had fun.

    1. Thanks. I've got a long way to go if I want to paint realistic portraits, but I certainly have learned some good tips from Kat.

  5. I love the affect you've achieved with your hair!

    1. Thanks Kit. I think I'll stick to more stylized faces in my art journalling and leave portrait painting for someone else. LOL


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