
Sunday, April 28, 2013

A New Series in Progress...

I've started a new series of work which will be matted in 12" x 12" mats, with an 8" square 'window' in the mat, ready to be framed.  I've been playing with my Gelli plate to create some mono prints on pieces of an old denim shirt I inherited from my husband because the sleeve were too short for him.  I'm  adding various other elements, including rust dyed fabric, machine lace which I made using water soluable stabilizer, pieces of silk fusion and some batiks from my stash.  Here are a couple of them ready to be quilted and hand embroidered.  
Time to go listen to some TV...


  1. I love my Gelli plate, but haven't yet used it to print fabric, the results you have achieved look great!

    1. Thanks. Combining the monoprint with stitch looks fabulous. Lots of fun playing with this idea.

  2. These are so vibrant and interesting, Linda. You have inspired me to try this out!

    1. Thanks Linda. I've now finished some of the machine stitching and will start the hand stitching in this upcoming week (I hope). I'll post them again when they're done.

  3. Can't wait to see what you do with these! I have to admit, though, that I got the biggest kick out of something you said.... "have to go LISTEN to some tv now". I can SO relate! :-)


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