
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Starting to Plan...

Back in January, I did some rust dyeing and talked a little about the 'how to' of it all.  Well it's time to get all those fabrics out and start planning the art quilt for which they were made.   

I'm planning to use text on this quilt, as well as a photograph which I took and digitally altered to include a quote.  

There are so many ideas floating around in my head.  Now I just need to harness some of them and get started with the actual piecing...


  1. The rusty fabric looks great. Combined with the photo it should make a beautiful quilt.

    1. Thanks Janet. Rust dyeing is a lot of fun because you never really know what you'll get until you're done.

  2. the fabric looks very nice from what I can see on your shots. Will be looking forward to see what you do of it.

    1. Thanks. I'll keep posting as the piece progresses.


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