
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Playing with Texture in Lettering...

Sparked by another couple of lessons in Letter Love 201, I've been playing with texture in lettering.  Joanne had suggested an idea using heavy body paint, but instead mixed some black gesso with Golden Fiber Paste and wrote in it while it was still wet.  When it dried, I painted it using Silks Glazes.  I love the way the Silks work on black!   The close up gives a better view of the texture and depth of the lettering.  I used a rubber stamp of a key to stamp into the wet paste and gesso, but it isn't as deep as the lettering.

This piece is the favourite of a number of pieces I created using matte medium and Dylusions spray inks.  I'll end up using them as embellishments on journal pages at some point.


  1. I love your happy lettering and the colors! Very nice Linda.

    I started Joanne's class late, and got sidetracked around lesson 16. I hope to get back to her videos soon!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Donna. I still haven't finished many things I want to work on at once. But I will get to all of the lessons in time.

    2. I completely understand. I want to work on so many things at once too. That's why I made my word for the year FOCUS--I wanted to try to focus on one thing at a time but I'm not doing a very good job of it! LOL. Oh well, I've decided that it's just who I am. I am who I am! Actually, I think "I Am Who I Am" would make for some good lettering. Oh great! Now I've got something else I want to do. Tee-hee!

      Have a lovely day Linda!

    3. You're too funny Donna. But I totally know what you mean! And yes, that would be a great quote to letter.


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