
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Liebster Award for Cool Blogs

Joanna Grant from  kindly gave me a blog award that's about discovering new blogs.

Joanna, I can't thank you enough for this award.  I feel very privileged that you have included me in your five choices and it is an honor that I hope to pass on to five other very deserving artists.


This award was designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion. Once you've been nominated, you award it to five blogs that you like that have fewer than 200 followers, to encourage new visitors to visit these blogs. 


Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this awesome award! 


It's hard to choose only five bloggers who I find inspiring but here are my choices of art blogs that have less than 200 followers and that I know you will enjoy:  

Anne Marie Desauniniers

(I may have included a blog with over 200 followers as the number of followers was not always listed but I still felt that these individuals were very deserving.)

Recipients, you may copy and paste to your blog and change the introduction and the list of blog awards.  I hope that you decide to participate and award some other very deserving artists.  Make their day!!!



  1. Thanks very much for this, Linda - that's very kind of you! :)

  2. You so deserve this award Linda! I am thrilled for YOU! Off to check the other blogs later this evening. :)

  3. Linda, You are a doll! Thank you so Very Much for this award, you are so wonderful to have given it to me and I'm honored you chose me as one of your 5! I'm working up to have a blog as great as yours and you are an inspiration!! xo


I love to hear what you think . Thanks for your comment .

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