
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Creative JumpStart Revisited

During January, I was watching the Creative Jumpstart 2013 videos, and I did try out a couple of techniques, but because of various other things I was doing, most didn't get too much attention.  So, I've decided to go back through the archived 'Jumpstarts' (click on CJS 2013 if you want to access them) and create a journal with the techniques and some notes for future reference.  

 I'm really enjoying the Glass Bead Gel and with a 50% off coupon at Michaels, the price was great. I love both the texture, and how it makes the Dylusions spray inks just pop!

Thanks to Nat Kalbach and all the other Jumpstart artists, these videos are full of lots of creative ideas for using things that you may already have in your stash in some new ways.


  1. Loving your pages- and oh the colors!!!! Thank you so much for sharing and playing along Linda!

    1. Thanks Nathalie. And thank you for making it all possible. There are so many wonderful ideas to play with...I enjoyed just watching the first time through, but now to have the time to play along is so much better!

  2. I think we are leading parallel lives. I had my 50% off coupon for Michaels last week...I went in with the intent to buy the glass bead gel...picked it up....thought about it for about ten minutes (!!!) but put it back down...I have so many supplies for other projects to try that I thought I should wait...I don't even think I used the coupon that that is definitely a sin of the highest degree ;)

    1. Thanks so funny Danielle. But, I can't believe the restraint you showed! WOW! Now, not to lead you astray, but you might want to rethink the glass bead gel. It's amazing! And to waste that 50% off coupon...there might be a law against that in the art world. LOL Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. I'll have to go take a look. I love all the jumpstarts I can find!

  4. Love your pages, Linda, And thanks for the link. Going through "Joanne" withdrawals. I will definitely check this out!

    1. Thanks Alyce. Joanne withdrawal...LOL...although I still have a few lessons to go, I can totally understand what you mean. Thank goodness for the Facebook group so we still have some interaction with the others! Have fun with the Jumpstart videos.


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