
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Decorative Doodling...

Well, I finally met the Art Queen herself, Joanne Sharpe.  It was great to meet her in person after a year long friendship on line through Facebook and Joanne's online classes.  As you can imagine, she's even more fun in person!

Kim, another online friend surprise me.  She had told me she would be there during the day and since I was going to be there in the evening, we would not be able to meet.  As it turned out, Kim also signed up for the evening class and we ended up sitting at the same table!

Then, as a total surprise, my friend Jan, a member of GOE (our fibre art group) was there too.  She was a my place on Wednesday and had meant to ask me if I was going but she got side tracked and never did...

Here's a shot of Joanne teaching us some new doodling ideas and a fun collective puzzle doodle that we created.
I started a lot of little pieces, playing with the ideas and media that Joanne shared with us. None of these are finished, but I thought I'd show you what I've got and then repost some time when I can show you the finished pieces.

And, I was able to pick up a copy of the new Somerset Studio magazine and Joanne was sweet enough to sign it for me! ...'sigh'

If you ever get a chance to take a class with Joanne, online, or especially in person, I can highly recommend it.  She's an incredible teacher!


  1. Oh that sounds like a fun time. I hope to be able to start taking classes again at some point I used to really enjoy the camaraderie!

    1. Yes Roberta. I've been taking Joanne's online classes and she sets up Facebook networking groups for her classes. What a hoot. I can't believe how active we are in that group. Unlike any other online class I've ever taken!

  2. Oh Linda, I'm soooo excited for you, what a thrill! And it sounds like you had added surprises to make it an all around spectacular day! I can't wait to see what you create, I'm positive it will be yummy eye candy coming from you!! xo

    1. Thanks Kathie. It was awesome! I'm playing with the pieces I started yesterday, so I'll share when I get them finished. So much fun and inspiration.

  3. Looks like a great class, Linda! I've taken an online class with Joanne, and she is a lot of fun (besides offering wonderful inspiration and techniques!). Can't wait to see your pieces as you continue to work on them!

    1. I'm just taking a break from them as I wait for some paint to dry. Yes, Joanne's got a lot of fun ideas and inspiration up her sleeves. I really enjoy the Facebook networking too.

  4. Wow what fun! Sounds like a fabulous time too with wonderful surprises too! Definitely will sign up for a class as soon as I am able. Love your work and enthusiasm! :)

    1. Thanks Asha. Yes, it was so much fun. I just found out Joanne is planning to do an online version of Decorative Doodles too, but if you get a chance to take a class with her in person, go for it. She's great!

  5. So jealous! I keep looking for a class close to me (Kentucky) but not yet. Just may have to take a road trip!!! Love Joanne.

    1. I know what you mean. I had to drive about an hour, but it was well worth it.

  6. Oh know I will have a great big smile on my face in April when Joanne comes to Kansas City. Love your doodlicious projects!

    1. Thanks Sharon, and yes, you will have a fabulous time with Joanne!

  7. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I'm taking the same class in March here in Maryland.

    1. You're going to love it Sherry! Have a great time!


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