
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Artful Snail Mail Delivery...

In these days of
e-everything, about all we get in the mailbox are bills or packages of things we've purchased online.  But, occasionally there is a special little treasure that arrives.

Last week I posted about a postcard I was making for a postcard swap over on the Artists in Blogland site.

Well, yesterday I got the most beautiful card in the mail from Morag Archer.  I just love the fabulous texture that she has achieved in the hair.
Morag is an incredibly talented artist, and you can see more of her work on her blog.

Thank you Morag!  I'm so glad to have a piece of your art.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Valerie. I agree. I'm so lucky to have received it!

  2. Hi Linda, I'm so happy you like my card! I'm also pleased to have found through the swap your Blog.I love your journals and have had a peep at some of your previous posts, beautiful work. I loved taking part in the postcard swap, i'ts my first one and Love the way it has connected artists all over the world :)

    1. Thanks Morag. Yes, it's great to 'meet' new art friends from all over the world!


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