
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Making Stencils

Since I've been doing more art journalling lately, and watching the videos that are part of  Creative Jumpstart 20113, I've become more interested in using stencils in some of my work.  In addition to buying some fun stencils, I decided to use some of the template plastic I had in my studio (and seldom use...) to make a few basic stencils of my own. 

I used a cutting mat, an exacto knife, a fine Sharpie marker and some scrap paper.  I found that with the lined template plastic and the marks on the cutting mat it was really hard to see what I was doing so by using a scrap of plain paper under the plastic I could see better.  You could also draw your design on the paper first if you wanted, but I drew right on the plastic with the Sharpie.
For the stencil shown here, I used a mug to trace a circle and then just used the lines on the plastic and cut away every second little strip to create a stripped circle stencil.  

This one is very simple and will just give me some straight lines and the final one is my version of what I think of as 'cottage signs'...those wonderful signs that you see on the dirt roads in cottage country directing you to all of the various cottages.  I guess it would be good for distance markers too.  

I know I'll still buy stencils I see and fall in love with, but it's also nice to be able to make some simple ones, especially onces with straight lines that are easy to cut, so that I have some which are uniquely my own.


  1. Nice! I am inspired to make some just out of cardstock, and then gesso them or something for strength. Looking forward to see what u make. Thanks for the link for Jumpstart 2013

    1. Thanks Laura, that's a brilliant idea. Acrylic paint would be a good strengthener and it would make them resistant to water and wet media too.

  2. Great idea...I thought of using file folder leftovers and coating them with matte medium so they will last longer. Now I think I might! Have fun. Like that sign post stencil(at least that's what I see) xox

    1. Corrine, old file folders would work great. And, if you use acrylic paint when stencilling, over time they will become even stronger and better protected. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the little push Linda, I just spent $50.00 on stencils and really think I can make some for a whole lot less. Love your distance markers, those would be fun!

    1. Yes Lori. I thought the same thing. Buy the wonderfully complex ones, especially with circles, etc. and then make some simple ones that have straight or simple lines.

  4. Nice job Linda. You may want to get a little stencil cutting tool. It slices through the stencil material like butter if you do it right, but you need to work on glass due to the heat. It's basically a woodburning tool with a different tip.
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle. And funny you should mention that tool. I'm sure I have one and it's never been of those things I 'just had to have' and then didn't even open the package... I'll dig it out and play with it this afternoon.

  5. What a great idea. I want to try this in the near future along with carving my own stamps because I can't seem to find what I am looking for at a reasonable price. Thanks for the inspiration.


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