
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It's been a while since I've posted any photo art, and since I got PSE11 (upgraded from 9) last week for my birthday, I thought it was time I played with some of the new features.  I spent way too much time working on the text in this image.  I'm sure there is an easier, faster way to write on straight lines while using the 'draw your own path' tool, but then again I guess I could have just written it straight and rotated it much to learn :o)

I took this shot a couple of years ago, but since I've been organizing my images in Lightroom 4 (got that for my birthday too!) I came across it and just had to use it along with this quote.  I found the quote while working on a fibre art piece that uses my rust dyed fabrics.

original image
I cropped the image slightly, did a minor levels adjustment to the image, then added a couple of layers of textures.  I used Kim Klassen's new texture, kk_minus43 (you can see it, read about it's name, and get on Kim's free texture list here) and Bonnie Zieman's PDPA Beauty is... texture (you can see it and download it here).  I'd tell you more about what I did, but I don't remember and unfortunately didn't take a screen shot of my processing this time.  Sorry!

These photos are being linked to Our World TuesdayTexture TuesdaySweet Shot Tuesday, and Photo Art Friday.


  1. Great processing, glad you're having fun with your birthday presents.

    1. Thank you Kathryn! They're the best...I'll be getting so much use out of them!

  2. Creative photo processing ~ lovely and Happy Birthday ~ great presents ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

    1. Thanks Carol. And yes, I'm so happy with my birthday presents!

  3. It's a wonderful image with great words! congrats on PSE 11 and Lightroom!

    1. Thanks Barb. I'm going to get a lot of use out of this year's gifts!

  4. Great image and quote! Happy Belated Birthday :)!
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle! In our house birthday celebrations last a couple of weeks, so it's not really belated until after tomorrow LOL

  5. Linda, that is one great edit...I love it!!

    1. Thank you Kim. I'm happy with how it turned out too.

  6. YOU really know how to celebrate your birthday, my friend! Have fun with PSE 11.0

    1. As they say, go big or go home! LOL. I certainly was spoiled, but I am loving the new software.

  7. I love this, you do such a great job with Kim's textures.

  8. Maybe you can use this for Photo Art Friday this week since the theme is "hardware." I haven't been able to think of anything that appeals to me, and relates to hardware. You did a great job! It looks like those words were always there.

    1. Very nice art. You are so good!

    2. Thanks Jean. That's my plan. I'm linking to both with the same photo.

  9. I don't know which I like most...the image or the quote. Very nicely done!

  10. The image and the quote make a perfect pair. Nice processing. I've been wondering about upgrading to PSE11 but I have just learned my way around 9. I'll have to give it some thought.

    1. Thanks Stephanie. As for the upgrade, I have to say there is a learning curve, but much of it is intuitive if you know PSE9. I'm glad I upgraded even though I'm not totally comfortable with the newer version yet.

  11. Great editing and super quote. Glad you got some creative birthday presents!

  12. Of course rusty objects are my favorite photography subjects and this one is just awesome both before and after editing.

    1. I know what you mean. Rusty things always draw me in too. Thanks Danielle!

  13. the quote is new to me but one I should have noted long ago! Clever juxtapositioning with this great edit

  14. Beautifully done, I like your background very much.

  15. I love rusty, decrepit, strange objects too. Love your photo. I haven't practiced my photoshop lately and want to get back to it as I am getting rusty. Have been busy with art journalling and Joanne's classes. Ta ta for now!

    1. Thanks Carol. I know what you mean. I'm trying to juggle a few too many things right now and it's getting a bit crazy. It's all art related though so I can't complain! Art Everyday (and sometimes all day, everyday!).

  16. Your finished piece is fabulous! love the quote too.

    1. Thank you Miriam. It is a pretty great quote, isn't it?

  17. this was just a JOY, Linda. first of all, happy birthday. I am glad you shared about Lightroom & PSE11 BEcause until reading this I didn't honestly have a clue. Now, BEcause I looked and took a few sideroads after reading your post, I DO. so thank you!! I love BEing "enlightened" and can actually register when I read stuff!!

    your art is, as always, stunning and thought-provoking. I wonder if it really IS possible to spend "way too much time" on anything when it is clearly JOYfull and BEautiful.

    and how great it is that you shared a bit of how you did things but, as I find myself DOing more and more, really, you lost yourself in the process?!

    I am so grateful you've shared this. I haven't been DOing Texture Tuesday thus far BEcause in keeping with my word for 2013, Enough, I realise that one photo challenge is enough for me for Now. 2012 was such a full and busy year. it is nice to slow things down and recognise Enough's wonder.

    so, I shall cease babbling here and just say BRAVA!! and a most happy and wonderful birthday to you, too!!!

    1. Thanks so much Currie. It's always such a JOY to touch base with you. Take care, girlfriend!

  18. I'd say it was well worth all the time you took fiddling with the text because it's so perfectly fitted in behind that great shot of rusting hardware, making an excellent composition. Great quote, too.

  19. Love the rustiness and how you nestled your quote into the frame. Valerie

  20. Oh wow your quote and photo are the perfect marriage. You did a wonderful job with the processing of this piece.

  21. An amazing transformation paired with the perfect quote, Linda! It is SO true that there is SO much to learn ... and that's exciting!

    1. Thanks Bonnie. And yes, it is exciting to keep learning all these new things. Have a great weekend.


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