
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Butterfly Transitions

The other day I gave you a sneak peek of this piece, in which I showed you some of the quilting from the back, as well as providing a link to the original photograph.

Since then, I've spent a few hours working hard to get the background machine quilted.  When that was finished I made a whole lot of French knots to add some additional texture to the dupioni silk that is the background of this piece.

And, here it is, finished and mounted over a stretched canvas.  I'm very happy with how it turned out, and wish that the photo did it justice.

Below are a couple of detail shots.  This finishes a fifth UFO.  I am so glad Tracey gave us the challenge that she did because I've really been tidying up a lot of outstanding pieces.  I still have four other UFOs to finish plus the three new pieces that I have in the works, all of which I started in the last month.

It's funny to think that when I first started to quilt in 1999 I did one quilt, from beginning to end, before I started another project.  Now, I can't imagine staying that focused on one thing!  Add in my art journalling and photography and I just have to laugh...


  1. Beautiful! Your quilting is formidable too.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Char. I'm really happy with how it turned out :o)

  3. Thank you Vicki. I certainly like how it turned out.

  4. Could you tell me, did you "paint" your butterflies or are they bits of different fabric? As a non-quilter this is amazing to me. I found this site trying to learn about beading, now I am learning about quilting as well.

    1. Thanks DD. The butterflies are my photographs (you can see the originals if you click on the links in the post). I digitally altered them in Photoshop and then printed them onto fabric.

  5. WOW! I Love it!! I think I need to work on my quilting of backgrounds..... Yours really makes the piece!

    1. Thanks Sue. It really is interesting to see what some extra quilting can do for a piece.

  6. I admire your talent enormously! Beautiful work :)

    1. Thank you so much Mary. That's very flattering! Have a wonderful day.


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