
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bead Journal Project: January

After the large undertaking I took on for BJP 2012 (you can see the finished piece here, or in person at the Cultural Centre in Georgetown where it is currently hanging in an art display to celebrate the grand re-opening), I decided to scale things back slightly.  I chose to use puzzle pieces approximately three inches square as my shape.  I drew up a basic plan for the final overall picture, and each month I will complete the next piece of the puzzle, literally.  This means that the journalling aspect has sort of gone by the way side, but since I'm keeping an art journalling calendar too, it will record the on-going events of my life as it unfolds over the course of the year.  However, having said that, I have snuck in a bit of journalling because I wrote something down on the piece of stabilizer, using a Micron, before I started beading.  I plan to record what I consider to be the most important event that transpired during the month (or at least the first 3 weeks of the month) as a secret journal entry that I will know is there, but others who look at the piece would never guess!  So don't tell anyone, okay...  I'd hate to think someone might take the beads off to see what was written underneath!  


  1. I love your sense of fun and wow congrats on your 2012 bead journal project being displayed at the Cultural Centre. Bravo!
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle. I've always loved bright, wonky buildings, so that's where I'm headed. And thanks, I've been thrilled with the feedback of people who have seen my spiral and loved it.

  2. Love the puzzle shape. You come up with great ideas for the shapes. Can't wait to see more.

    1. Thanks Leah. I thought it would be fun. We'll see how well the pieces fit together when their all done... I've got some creative ideas for how to display it when they're all done and I'm not sure if I'll actually put the entire puzzle together or not...

  3. Thank you Linda for your reaction on my Black Rose.
    I already liked your Spiral and now I'm "puzzled" about what is coming the rest of this year and how you "fill in" your pieces.

  4. What a great idea to make a puzzle of it! I'll enjoy watching it develop over the next 12 months.

    1. Thanks Jean. I'm already wondering what I'll do for next year...LOL

  5. I'm intrigued by your "secret journaling" concept - my own work always has personal meaning that will not be perceived by viewers and you're taking it a step further by actually incorporating into the pieces.

    1. Thanks. In my spiral in 2012, I used various charms, special beads or patterns, etc. that tell a very special story, in most part only obvious to me, but this year's plan doesn't allow for that and I still wanted to include the journalling some how.

  6. I already thought your teaser looked very promising, Linda, and I certainly admire the first puzzle piece. Vivid colour, clear definition of shapes.
    About me, for one, you needn't worry concerning the secret written journaling: I am too far from Canada to pick off the beads. Anyway, it would be a shame to do so, wouldn't it.

    1. Thanks Sabine. Glad you won't be picking any beads off my work! LOL

  7. I love how you have a "reveal to come" and a sense of mystery - and I really like what you have started for January!!!

    1. Thanks Beth. As with last year's project, I like the idea of the whole year's work coming together as one in the end.

  8. Your beading is just exquisite!! I so admire your work...your spiral from last year is a very favorite of mine! I am looking forward to seeing your work tis year!

  9. Puzzle! How fun is this! Love your colors, the thought of the unfolding design over the next 11 months, your plan to make it a secret journal, and seeing your excellent technique! Maybe now and then you'll stick a little unplanned something into your piece that is a clue to the month's happenings.

    1. Thanks Robin. I think it'll be another fun year long adventure.

  10. Very intriguing, it will be fun to see the puzzle unfold. Love your colours.

    1. Thanks Marj. I'm certainly having fun with it so far.

  11. Again, you are amazing and give me so much inspiration! I have no idea where you find time for all you create!

    1. Thanks Lynda. So great to hear that you can get some inspiration from my creative play!

  12. Brilliant! I simply can't wait to see the puzzle progress!!

    1. Thank you Cyndi. I think it will be another fun year of revealing the development of the whole.

  13. It will be fascinating to see the pieces fit together over the year. Love the colour palette:)

  14. Oh my goodness, what a fun and fabulous idea! I love your piece so far and can't wait to see more!

    1. Thank you so much. It will be fun to see the puzzle come together over time...


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