
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Artful Random Act of Kindness Tags

The other day I, after watching one of the Creative Jump Start videos, I pulled out some tags, spray inks and stencils and played around a bit.  

Then I wondered what I would do with these little pieces of art and after thinking about it for a bit I decided to use them to make little RAK tags.  I continued to decorate them by adding some acrylic paint and when I liked how they looked I printed up some labels to stick to the back and added tassels.

Over the next few days, my plan is to give them out as I do some RAKs for people around town, and hopefully they will continue to make the rounds.

Wouldn't it be amazing if one found it's way back to me eventually?


  1. I just love the Jump Start inspiring. Funny though...I just bought a pack of tags a few days ago to do something similar ;) I like what you put on the back.

    1. Thanks Danielle. Feel free to use the message I put on the back. Anything to keep the smiles spreading!

  2. what a loving gesture. we need more like you in the world...

    1. Thanks. And yes, I suppose we do. It's interesting how good it makes you feel when you do these little RAKs!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Lynda. In my effort to find Joy I figure giving to others will help accomplish that too. Feel free to use the idea. The more smiles we generate, the better!

  4. What a cool idea!Especially in the down months of January and February. I wonder how far around the country/world these little guys could go.

    1. Thanks. Yes, it would be interesting to know where they go, but I guess I'll never know... Hopefully they bring smiles to many faces on their journey!

  5. I found your blog through the Art Journal Calendar group on facebook. I LOVE your art - thank you for sharing it with us, for giving us inspiration and ideas, and for giving people a smile with RAK!

    1. Thanks so much Helen and welcome. It's great to have you as my newest follower. I consider it an honour and see it as your little RAK toward me. :o)

  6. love these tags- a pity postage to NZ would not make me buying some worthwhile but LOVE the idea.
    Forgive an over 60- but how do I find the jump start videos?
    They sound good!

    1. Thanks Mary. You can easily make some tags yourself in any style you like. It's the idea and the message that will hopefully keep the RAKs going. Creative Jumpstart 2013 is wonderful and you can sign up at this site:

      Have fun!

  7. What a wonderful and lovely idea! I just discovered your blog via Pinterest and am enthralled! I have looked through some of the older posts and noticed that some of the pics are missing :( Would love to see your journal work and washi tape.. All the best.

    1. Thank you Anne-Brigitte. I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog. Unfortunately, due to some strange computer gremlins, so of the older posts have lost their images and I am unable to restore them. Sorry about that!

  8. What a nice idea! Have you heard of the Art of Abandonment facebook group?

    1. Thanks Marcia, and yes, I belong to that group and try to keep up on all the wonderful posts when I can.

  9. I love your colorful and free spirited tags, as well as what you intend to do with them. Blessings!

    1. Thank you Arnoldo. It's been fun distributing them as I do my little RAKs.


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