
Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Photo Shoot and Timeline...

This week in the first Beyond Beyond post, Kim challenged us to do a photo shoot in which we set up a still life and then moved around to take shots from various angles.  The other day, I found our cat Arbour sleeping on a pile of quilts that were left on top of the antique sewing machine at the top of the stairs.  So...

It wasn't long before she was watching me and following the camera.  She didn't look too please that I had disturbed her nap, but I kept shooting.

When it came time to figure out how to present a select few of the shots, I remembered a timeline lesson that Kim had taught us in Beyond Layers, which I have been meaning to try but so far hadn't done.  I had to figure out a few things since I put my own spin on it by using photos along with thought bubbles in place of Kim's text boxes.  It was fun interpreting Arbour's thoughts from some of the looks she was giving me during the shoot.


  1. How fun!! What a cutie!

    1. Thanks Danielle. She is cute, but she's a typical cat, full of feline attitude! So different from out dog!

  2. Arbour sure knows how to work the camera :)
    great job on the timeline.

  3. What good company and a great idea....

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Suzette. It was a fun project to work on.

  5. Very creative. I really enjoyed it too.

  6. Linda, you captured just about every angle and look at kitty can give!! These are beautiful - love the dialogue boxes of him talking to you.

    1. Thanks Beverly. It was a laugh to interpret all her looks into thoughts. :o)

  7. Love your blog. Met over at Beyond Beyond.

    1. Thanks Diana. I'm already loving BB. Beyond Layers was great and I love that these 'communities' last for the whole year. So much inspiration and learning!

  8. I love the shot of the cat's tail! I never would have thought of shooting that angle!

    1. Thanks Anne. That's her little "I am not amused" tail flick. :o)

  9. Really like your blog! Cut B&W kitty, I have 2 B&W myself...Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Millie. My husband and I have been talking a lot lately about the subtle difference between the words pets and pest... LOL.


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