
Monday, December 10, 2012

Vibrant Watercolour

As you may know from reading some of my other posts, I'm taking Joanne Sharpe's Color Love online class.  Well, she's introduced me to a fabulous new (to me) watercolour media called Peerless Transparent Watercolor.  As it turns out, this product was developed by Charles F. Nicholson in 1885 and the formula hasn't changed since then. For those of you who are of a more mature age, if you remember old photos that were colourized in the 1940s-60s, they would have been colourized with these pigments!  Click on the word history if you'd like to know more. 

They come on small sheets (about 2.5" X 6.6") but on Joanne's recommendation, I've cut mine in half and put the other half away for now.  I've also made a little colour legend since the colours don't necessarily look like what you'd expect to see.  A little goes a long way too!  They provide these vibrant, beautiful colours and I suspect that they will last for a long time.  For those of you who like an easy, portable product, these are fabulous!  All you need is your water brush, your Peerless and a journal and your ready to go!

I suspect that my next calendar journal page will be done using these.  Now I just have to think about the design for the page.

Here's a link to a demo of how to use Peerless watercolours. And a video of Jane Davenport demonstrating how she created a fabulous paint palette using Peerless watercolours.


  1. Can't wait until I get to this class...but for now I am loving Letter Love 101!!!! Thanks so much for the should see my altered book ;)....I'm headed out to the big city today with my list for Hobby Lobby and a waterbrush is on there..and molding paste...and......

    1. Have fun on your shopping spree Danielle. I've just signed up for Letter Love 201. I think I've become a Joanne groupie! But really, I'm learning so much and the Facebook group is so much fun and so encouraging!

  2. Do you just dab your brush on the (Peerless) paper like a normal paint palette and just bob's your uncle? I don't think I exactly understand the product... ;)

    1. Nebermind! I found a demonstration online. Thanks though! :)

    2. Glad you asked. I'll edit the post to include a demo because others may have the same question. Thanks Kit.

  3. Can't wait to see the results of your newly acquired skills.

    1. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long Marie ;o) Thanks for the visit.

  4. Wow! Never heard of this. I took Joanne's Letter Love and really enjoyed it. I'll have to check this class out. Oh, no - more supplies to buy!

    1. Lynda, it's incredible! If you do decide to take Colour Love, you'll find you already have most of the supplies. I think the only thing I had to buy for this class was the Peerless and I'm so glad I did!

  5. Very creative post and most informative about color pigments ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol

    1. Thanks Carol. I was certainly happy to learn about these watercolours.

  6. Interesting!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

    1. Thanks Gary. If you ever want to colourize your photos, this is the stuff! LOL

  7. Wow! I have never seen those before. I watched the video, thanks so much! Enjoy your new media.

    1. Yes, Gloria, they're fabulous. I'm glad the video was informative. The Peerless are so wonderfully portable.


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