
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

More Marbled Surface Design

As I said in yesterday's post, I've been marbling fabric.  Not in what many consider the traditional sense, but in a way that produces a more organic looking design.  Having said that, I do have a few pieces that have the traditional look, created by dragging a chopstick through the surface of the paints before printing the fabric.  Mostly though, I have a lot of random circular shapes with an interesting unpredictability to them.

My husband asked how many pieces I had, which of course led to me counting them.  In total, from Saturday and Sunday's 'play sessions' combined, I have 89 pieces.  Each piece is approximately 9" X 12" in size. :D

While I was working here on Sunday, I had myself set up in the bathroom so I decided to pull out my iPhone and take a shot of the bin with the marble base (and a piece of fabric printing) as well as the collection of acrylic paints in baby food jars with eye droppers for the paint application.  As I got ready to shoot it I noticed my reflection so I stepped back against the wall to include myself in the shot. :o)

The other shot I took is of the drying rack in the bathtub.  What you can't see is the mess in the tub that took a bit of elbow grease to get clean, but it was totally worth it and I'd do it all again.  Of course, as I'm typing that I'm wondering why I didn't think to lay down an cheap dollar store plastic table cloth to minimize the time...

I have a particular art piece that I plan to do which will use about a third of this stash.  It's a piece I started to work on in the Spring, by taking a whole lot of photos...

I have parts of it ready to go, but I was stuck on what fabric to use and as soon as I started to see what these pieces were looking like when we began on Saturday, I knew they were just the thing.  Yes, I'm being rather secretive about this...perhaps it will be unveiled when once I get a little further in the process...

Until then, here's the gallery of some of my favourite pieces of fabric from Sunday's session (I've narrowed down my 'favourites' to 27):



  1. Wow!
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle. With these fabrics it'll be hard not to stay inspired!

  2. Beautiful! You don't get carried away or anything, do you? :o)

    1. Jean, I love you! I am literally LOL as I read your comment!

  3. OH,Linda, these are absolutely beautiful!! I am so jealous. I just have to try this. Regular (or what I think of as tradional) marbeling is not my favorite look. But these pieces are out of this world!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! Hope you could hear me scream!!

    1. I hear your scream Lynda. That's how I feel about the marbling too. I just love these fun, organic shapes and designs. Can't wait to see what they look like in the piece I'm starting. Thanks! You've made me smile!

  4. Linda, what a wonderful pieces! All of them! they are so unique!

    1. Thanks. I'm sure I'll make more. It's a fun surface design technique and I'm thrilled with the results.


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