
Monday, December 24, 2012

May Art Calendar Journal

My May art calendar journal spread is ready for the journalling.  I started by using various spray inks to give the page a gently mottled look.  I then added a variety of old silk flowers and a few paper flowers to create masks for each of the days of the month and I sprayed over them with green.  I removed the flowers...getting my fingers all inky :o)...and let that layer dry.  When that was totally dry, I came in with my Micron pen and did the lettering and a bit of soft sketching around the flower shapes.  After stamping the leaf shapes and the birds, butterflies and dragonflies, I used my Micron again to draw in stems and swirls to connect the leaves.  Finally, I did a bit of colouring with my Peerless watercolour pigments...and you have May flowers to follow the April showers.


  1. I love this!! I keep forgetting to journal in my December one though...I need to make this more of a habit ;)

    1. Thanks Danielle. Yes, it will take a bit to get into the habit of doing the daily journal entry. This is all new to me.

  2. It turned out beautiful! This will be my first year of doing the art journal calendar.

    1. Thanks Sharon. This is my first year doing the art journal calendar too. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun with it.


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