
Monday, December 31, 2012

BJP 2012 and Best Wishes For 2013

My Bead Journal Project 2012 is complete, and just in time!  Yes, I finally finished the December piece of my BJP 2012 on Saturday evening.  Yesterday I stitched the pieces to the cotton velvet and then mounted them onto the wooden painting panel (18" X 24" panel).  I didn't want to use a stretched canvas because I thought the weight of the beads would need the support of the solid wood panel.  I like the cotton velvet because it absorbs light so that the beads are highlighted without having the more formal look of silk or viscose velvet.

The December piece includes many shades of blue and my beloved spirals.  I'm often drawn to blues and I seem to come back to spirals in my work so often, that I thought it was a fitting end to the year.

I've got the rest of today to further think through my idea for the BJP 2013 plan that's taking form in my head.  I have yet to determine if it will work but I may just have to jump in and try it!

I wish you and yours a JOYfully wonderful New Year and hope that 2013 brings you good health, happiness, inspiration and creativity!



  1. Oh Linda, it's fabulous! I was hoping that monpchromatic would be a goodendong for it and I see that it was!

    1. Thanks so much Vicki! I'm thrilled with it, and doing it month by month made it manageable. I couldn't imagine setting out do do this much beading any other way!

    2. Thanks for all the wonderful colour palettes this year Vicki!

  2. Hi Linda, your spiral is wonderful.....
    full of fabulous details !
    Happy new year to you.....My first BJP
    starts tomorrow, wish me luck !!1
    Chris richards

    1. Thank you. I'm so glad you're joining us for BJP 2013! Have a wonderful New Year!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Beth! Have a wonderfully Joyfilled New Year!

  4. It looks great Linda! Fantastic job. :)

    1. Thanks Kit. I've started reading your 'year in review' but had to leave it before I finished. I'm looking forward to getting back to it! Have a wonderfully JOYful New Year!

  5. Oh My GOSH! Linda, these are simply incredible works of art!! LOVE!!! Happy and creative 2013, can't wait to see what you do next. : )

    1. Thanks so much Kathie. It's been a wonderful year long journey! Have a Joyfilled New Year!

  6. Wouldn't we have fun in the psychologist's office with this one? The colors, the spirals and the big spiral, the Xs (relationships), the circles (completion), the triangles (little homes? stability?),the interwoven lines and colors, all the things our subconscious wants to say through the work of our hands. Ah, let the meaning rest... it and you are beautiful!

    1. Thanks Robin. How fascinating...wouldn't it be fun to sit and chat about all that you see and how much of it is really in my subconscious... Maybe I could learn something more about myself. LOL Have a wonderfully Joyfilled New Year!

  7. This is just beautiful! It is so colorful and each piece is so unique. How will you display it?

    1. Thanks Asha. It's mounted on a wooden paint panel covered in cotton velvet. Happy New Year!

  8. What an accomplishment! It's beautiful. What's the finished size? Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Jean! The painting panel it's mounted on is an 18" X 24" panel. Happy New Year to you! May 2013 be good to you and your creative spirit.

  9. Amazing! This is my first year with the BJP and this amazing 12 month piece is truly an inspiration!

    1. Thanks Amy. You'll find that part of the magic of the BJP is that you take on something in small parts that will lead to a wonderful piece of art but might have been something you would have been afraid to tackle if you had looked at the whole right from the start! I know I wouldn't have been able to get my head around a piece this big, with so much beading, had I looked at it as an 18" X 24" piece from the start! Hope 2013 brings wonder and creativity your way!

  10. Absolutely beautiful! You've done an awesome job.

  11. HI Linda
    I have always loved the spiral shape, yours is beautiful.
    Congratulations on finishing. I look forward to seeing this year's project.

    1. Thank you Brenda and Happy New Year! I hope 2013 brings JOYful creativity your way!

  12. What a great accomplishment! Lovely monthly designs! I look forward to seeing what you design for the New Year!

    1. Thank you Sharon. Have a wonderfully art-filled and inspired 2013!

  13. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I admire not only your artistic ability, but your patience in sewing all those beads. Oh my, what an accomplishment!

    1. Thanks so much Bonnie. I must say it was a long process, but I am absolutely thrilled with the end result!


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