
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bead Journal Project: November

I'm two weeks late, but my November bead journal piece is finally done (Sorry for the time warp really is December!).  I was using the excuse that I had set up the blog for BJP 2013.  But really I was just in a beading slump and couldn't seem to get motivated to get this piece going.  I finally started it a few days ago and made it my only focus when I needed art time (which is really all the time) and so I got it done rather quickly.  I can't believe there's only one more piece to go and this spiral will be finished.  I can't wait to see it done and mounted and ready to hang!  

This November piece is about a journey I'm taking right now (another reason it's been hard to stay focused on my art).  Engraved on the back of the silver hand centrepiece is the word "healing".  The three large triangles represent very personal struggles and the red Chinese knots have a dual meaning.  On the one hand, they represent the literal idea of a knot, to be struggled with and untied.  The other meaning, taken from the Chinese culture and story behind these knots is one of harmony and peace which I seek on this journey of healing.  

As has been the case with all of the BJP 2012 pieces, the colour palette comes from Vicki Welsh and her Colour Palette challenge. 

Here is the spiral showing all of the pieces from January through November:

I've already started planning my BJP for 2013.  I've got my plan pretty well sketched out in my head and a little of it on paper.  It's going to be a challenge to pull it off, and I'm still not totally sure if it will work, so that's all I want to say about it for now.  I'll explain my plan when I reveal the first piece in January because by that time I'll have figured out if it will work or not.


  1. Wow, that is a gorgeous work of art, Linda!

  2. Having found the BJP in January I have loved following your spiral as it has grown. It looks so vibrant. I have joined the BJP for 2013 and just wonder what I will end up producing. Did you have a completed image in your head when you started?

    1. Hi Evanna, I'm so glad you've joined BJP 2013. Yes, I did have the spiral in mind when I started (and I went ahead and drew it out on the Fast 2 Fuse that I use as my backing so I could divide it into 12 similarly sized pieces), but that is all. Each month's piece developed very spontaneously as I stitched. I really don't know what the piece will look like until I'm at least half way through the beading. At that point I've got enough of an idea in my head that it's usually about following through and finishing. So, that said, since I haven't started the final piece yet, I have no idea yet what it will look like ;o)

  3. Your blog is beautiful as is your amazing art!

  4. I have really enjoyed watching your spiral grow and am looking forward to the final and completed piece. Making a spiral is definitely on my "to do" list now.

    1. Thanks Sara. I'm so glad I was able to inspire you. It has been a fun project to work on.

  5. Your work is just beautiful and inspirational.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Linda, I have so enjoyed watching this piece develop. I wonder if I could do it - Humm... You are so inspiring! Thanks (I think!) Lynda

    1. Thanks Lynda, and yes, of course you could do it. If I were doing it again though, I would start with a 3" centre circle instead of 4.5" and just make everything a little bit smaller and more manageable.

    2. Lynda, have you considered joining the BJP 2013? We'd love to have you participate! If you're interested, let me know and I'll have April send you the registration info.

  7. Like the others I have enjoyed watching your project develop. It really is fantastic. I hope you find the healing you are seeking. Looking forward to your next year's project.

  8. Linda, your work is stunning!! thanks for writing on my blog on the mommy glove. I have started the BJP one year, but didn't get too far. perhaps this year will be the one that sees me doing more! I'll have to start out small. I will be checking in with you periodically to see what new wonderful work you're doing!

    1. Thanks so much Rachel. I take it from your comment that you'll be signing up for BJP 2013. I'll look forward to seeing what you do.

  9. Stunning, Linda... the vibrant colors, Chinese knots, healing hand in the center, compelling in every way. I'm loving the different sizes of beads and the way you make the back-stitched (or couched?) lines get thicker and thinner... everything about all 11 pieces pleases me. The best thing about this is that it is uniquely you. You've taken the idea of visual journaling seriously and as a result produced something very meaningful. Bravo!!!

    I hope whatever needs healing is being healed through this beautiful work of your hands.

    1. Thanks Robin. It has been such a wonderful adventure and I'm looking forward to a new journalling experience with BJP 2013!


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