
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

April Calendar Art Journal

Yesterday I was able to finish the watercolour painting of the April calendar page.  I was a bit unsure about the 'cheesy' idea of using raindrops for the journalling shapes, but I'm really pleases with how the page turned out.

I used a 'light' hand lettering font since April is a month of new beginnings.  The long dark winter is over and everything just seems to lighten up.  

 I found this cute little girl in a magazine add (in a March issue from 2009...sometimes being a bit of a pack rat comes in handy) and I thought she'd be perfect since I used to love playing out in the rain.  Realistically it would never have been warm enough to do this in April, but it still makes me smile.
 I also found these two pairs of legs so I gave a couple of the raindrops legs.  And, since they had legs, I also drew in a couple of pairs of eyes so they can see where they're going :o)

In addition to drawing in little lines, circles, triangles and squares to represent rainfall, I wrote, in very tiny letters, using a Micron 01 pen, a variety of phrases such as, "it's raining cats and dogs; rain, rain go away, come again another day; it's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring..." etc.

I used the Peerless watercolours to do this page.  They're wonderful to work with!  I wasn't sure what to use as my background colour since it was raining but I didn't want it to be too dull and dreary.  I settled on the Bismark Brown (one of the colours in the Joanne Palette Colors - a palette made up of 15 colours specifically selected by Joanne Sharpe for her Color Love online class) and I couldn't be happier.  It's a lovely warm colour, yet not too bright for my rainy day page.


  1. your work is full of wonder, happiness,

  2. Oh I just absolutely love this!!! BTW...I am on lesson five of Joanne's Letter Love is is so great...I am learning so much...I posted one of my first 'finished products' on my art blog ;)

    1. Thanks Danielle. I'm on my way to visit your blog and see what you've done!

  3. Oh Linda, I love this! Love the little girl & the raindrops with the boots are too cute! The whole thing makes me smile! (it's nice to think of April as it is snowing like mad here at the moment & COLD)
    Hugs, Renee #101

    1. Thanks Renee. It's snowing here too and since I'm a winter wimp I'd rather think about next Spring :o)

  4. How exquisite! April is my month and that little gild with the raindrops could be me, hehe. :)
    Have a happy Holiday Season!

  5. Thanks for the visit and your sweet comments. I love your charming raindrops...and your marbled surface design too! Wow. xox

  6. Your art makes me smile. It's so colorful and whimsical. I'm glad you pointed out the little details that we might not have seen otherwise. :) Happy WOYWW from Laura #90

    1. Thanks Laura. Yes, the photos don't show the tiny text 'rain' that I've added.

  7. Wonderful calendar spread. Those colors are amazing! And I love how your journaled words look like rain coming down sideways! Well done.

    1. Thanks Jessica. I'm really liking the Peerless watercolours...they do have amazing colours.

  8. You are amazingly talented. Love the Journal.

  9. Happy Belated WOYWW. I love your journal. The colours are fab, and the raindrops with legs/eyes are pure genius! Will become a Follower, so I can come back to your links another day. Ali x #20

    1. Thanks Ali. And welcome. I'm so glad you'll be coming back for future visits.

  10. Love this page!! You are amazing!

  11. Wow I was a bit worried that I had got stuck in the wrong time zone and then started reading more and realised that you are actually working on April Journalling Page LOL I love it all aspects of it, the rain words, the legs on the drops and the colours, brilliant. Such a lovely change from Christmas everywhere.

    Belated WOYWW greetings
    Eliza 12

    1. Thanks Eliza. I got a good chuckle out from your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the diversion from all things Christmas this time of year.

  12. I like the legs on the raindrops and there is no worse packrat than me! I have to start thinking about throwing my boxes of magazines but it's sooooo hard! I come from a family of packrats! patsy

    1. Thanks. I certainly thought those legs would be a fun addition to the page. I've actually started to tear pictures out of old magazines and keeping them in a file so I don't have to keep the whole magazine. It saves a lot of space!

  13. How beautiful! Are you making all of next year's spreads ahead of time?

    1. Thanks Marcia. Yes, it's my hope to keep ahead of the game by doing the spreads well in advance of the month in which I need them so that if 'life happens' I'll still be able to do the daily journalling. I probably won't finish them all before the start of the year, but I'll certainly be able to keep a few months ahead at the rate I'm going.

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Carolyn. It was a fun page to work on. Have a wonderfully Joyful New Year!

  15. Such a fabulously fun page for April! I love way you have portrayed April Showers with your tear shaped journalling spots. So beautifully and creatively done. xx

    1. Thanks. I had a lot of fun creating this spread.


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