
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stupendous Stitching...

After having seen a beautiful piece of art done by my friend Diana, I took Carol Ann Waugh's online class, Stupendous Stitching.

I started out as the lessons suggested, first making my stitch bible and then I got into the couching and decorative stitching (you can see some of this in this previous post). This is where I just couldn't stay the course...

As is so often the case, I started to stray from the lessons and play around with my own ideas.  I cut away a bit here, machine appliquéd some pieces on there...etc.

I then cut away the two side strips and because I just can't seem to waste anything, they became another small piece that you can see here.

What I had left was then layered over a larger black piece of fabric, hand stitched and quilted to within an inch of it's life, and then I added some beading and buttons on the lower part as well as big, fun buttons on top to create the hanging loops.

Here are a few detail shots:


And here is the finished piece:


  1. So fun!!
    Stay inspired!

  2. Oh jazzy...fantastic. I can't wait to see it up close. I'm going to check out the sites you recommended. I'm still...friggin...wondering how you damn well DO IT!! lol

    1. Thanks Leah! It was a fun piece to play with. As for stitch at a time...LOL

  3. I love this piece. Can I put it on my website as a sample of stupendous stitching projects? Please let me know by emailing me at and have a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Carol! I'd be honoured to have you use it as a sample. That's very flattering!

  4. Wow Wow Super wow! I love this! I bought the course when it was on special but have not started it yet! Now I know what will be my first 2013 project!

    1. Thanks Anne-Marie. I did the same...bought it in the summer, on sale and then got busy with a lot of other things. I'm glad I finally got to it though because it's a lot of fun. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  5. Linda, I took that class too and it was so much fun. But I absolutely love your project! Wow!

    1. Thanks Lynda. It's a fun technique that I can see incorporating into other works in the future.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks. It was fun to work on. Almost addictive when it got to the hand stitching...

  7. This piece just knocks my artsy-fartsy socks right straight off! Cosmic beauty! Stellar stuff! I am positively intoxicated.

  8. This is so inspiring, its shows that your really enjoyed playing around with this!

    1. Thanks. And yes, I certainly had a lot of fun with this piece.


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