
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Picking Favourites...

This week, for Photo Art Friday, Bonnie's challenge was for us to choose our favourite photo art piece from the year.  The idea was that if you were going to create a photo book of your images for the year (a great idea by the way!) Bonnie wanted us to consider which image we would put on the front cover.  This is a lot tougher than you might think!

As it turns out, I did make such a 'coffee table' book of all my favourite photography back in the spring.  At that time, I chose to use this image on the cover:

However, since then I have taken a lot of new photos and created a lot of new photo art.  I love last week's image of the gorilla's hand:

The other one that I might use is this one of the monarch chrysalis just before the butterfly emerges.  In the summer I put a couple of monarch caterpillars in a terrarium and photographed the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly (you can see it here).  I used one of those images to create this:

So, it's a toss up between these two right now, but since I won't be creating another photo book for a while, there will be so many more to choose from when the time comes...

These photos are being linked to This or That Thursdays and Photo Art Friday.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Pat. It's certainly a favourite of mine too!

  2. Just love the colours in that first one Linda. It must have looked fab on the cover of your coffee table book.

    1. Thanks Sherry. And yes, it does look great on the book cover.

  3. Your text on the last one I like best:) The cover with the hand I would like a lot if it was a human hand - Design-wise it's an intriguing concept!

    1. Thank you Jesh. It's great to have your thoughts. I really like the gorilla hand, but I can see why you might prefer a human hand. :o)

  4. Of course the gorilla one is my favorite..hands down!!! I think there is some marketing value in that shot.

  5. How fascinating it must have been to watch the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to butterfly! I would love to have seen that!

    You've got such a nice blog with needlework and photography - i'll be back shortly!

    1. Thanks Katarina. It was a wonderful experience to watch the metamorphosis and be able to capture in these images. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to my blog and I'll look forward to your future visits. Thanks again!

  6. I too loved your gorilla hand last week. And, the chyrsalis is also wonderful. I love that you photographed the metamorphasis of the Monarch ... such beauty, such committment. I agree you probably will have more choices by the time you publish, but I would make sure that these at least get in the book if not on the cover. Beautiful post ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. And yes, they certainly will get in the book!

  7. They're all great! Although I must say that the last image shown quite blows my mind... not just for its quality - they all have that - but because is such a unique photo to start with. I adore it!

  8. I love that hand, too!! Your zoo photographs were, MWAH!!! I love your actual cover and the possibilities of the butterfly. Oh my this is just so extravagant a collection!! LOVELY and splendiferous!!

    1. Thanks Currie. I've started to work on a fibre art piece using that butterfly image. Eventually that will be revealed here too.

  9. Stunning, every one, Linda. It would be impossible to pick just one favorite, but the butterfly and the chrysalis call out to me especially. Well done!

    1. Thanks Bonnie. You can see why I couldn't just pick one. I still love that silly gorilla hand though. LOL

  10. ..I will vote for the gorilla's close did you have to get for that shot...stunning..all of them.

    1. Thanks Katy. It was actually taken through glass and I wasn't all that close but I do have a good lens.

  11. Three stellar candidates Linda! I fell in love with the Gorilla hand last week. It is a truly unique piece of photo art. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with Photo Art Friday.

    1. Thanks Bonnie! Enjoy the holidays and I'll look forward to linking up again in January. I guess there's not excuse not not to get down to the fibre art. LOL

  12. Lovely images! I like the butterflyes. Ha de gott i helgen.

    1. Thanks. It was a wonderful experience watching them change.


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