
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pockets of Awareness

My blogging friend, Kit Lang, alerted me to a wonderful cause that Melanie Testa has started:

Do you know about Melanie Testa's campaign to raise awareness for women who choose to not have reconstructive surgery or wear prosthesis after having a mastectomy? She talks about it HERE.   Essentially, she wants us (yes, you too!) to provide her with pockets - one or two or 20 - however many you feel moved to make; pockets that are functional or not, made out of paper or knitted or quilted, or ... the sky's the limit! 

If Melanie can collect 1000 pockets by the week of Oct. 22nd, she has a journalist who will do a story to raise further awareness for this issue.

Although I have fortunately not been touched by this issue, either personally or by having a family member or close friend affected by breast cancer, I am close to many people who have or are dealing with various other forms of cancer.  Further, through my own personal struggles with depression and anxiety issues, I know how important it is to recognize that Life is beautiful and we need to be able to celebrate our survival, no matter what form it takes.

I have made this pair of intentionally 'imperfect' pockets to send to Melanie to support her cause and the greater need for the world to accept us the way we are and to celebrate our individuality!

I hope you will consider joining in this worthy cause.  Remember, your pockets can be made of anything so no matter what your skills and talents, you can do this!  Wouldn't this be a great activity to do with your kids, or for those of you who are teachers, what about doing it with your students???


  1. Awesome! Great pockets! I pinned them to a pinterest board with attribution to your blog! Thank you.

  2. Oh this is awesome! Thanks for doing this too, Linda! :)

  3. How wonderful! Would you mind forwarding the addresss once you receive it? I am going to try to make a pair of pockets by the deadline date. Thanks, Linda.

    1. Thanks Francine. I think Melanie would prefer that you leave a comment on her blog so that she can send along her address. Just click on the link at the beginning of my post. Thanks for participating!

    2. Yes, Francine, I will gladly give you my mailing address, please email me or comment on my blog when you are ready to send your pockets.

  4. Linda, I would love to participate in this project but for some reason I am unable to post a comment on Melanie's blog. Any suggestions? I will go ahead with the pockets and hope somehow to make contact with Melanie. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Char, perhaps I was uploading a new post when you tried to comment? Try again?

    2. Char, that's wonderful. I'm so glad you're going to join in the fun for this great cause.

  5. apowerful and important message, those pockets are beautiful :)

    1. Thanks Ruth. It really is a great cause. My pockets are on their way to Melly!

  6. Your pockets are stunning! This is for such an important cause!

    1. Thanks Carolyn. I hope you'll be able to participate.

  7. What beautiful work for such a marvelous reason. I will go check out Melanie's blog right now to sign up. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. I'm so glad you're able to help out. Melanie will be thrilled.

  8. Your pockets are colorful and inspiring!


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