
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Now all I need is an iPad...

A couple of my friends asked me to make some iPad covers a while back, so that's what I've been doing for the last few days on my sewing machine.

I've used mostly batiks, and some of my own hand dyed and or surface designed fabric and a whole lot of fun free motion quilting.  I really like how the black thread pops on those bright colours.

You'll also notice I've added one of my faux tie-dye circles to the closure flap on each of the covers.

Too bad I don't have an iPad...sigh...


  1. Beautiful! maybe you need to sell them and use the money to buy yourself that Ipad!

  2. They're fantastic!! I want a ipad...

  3. Do u sell them? I would love to buy one. They are great!!

  4. Linda, they're so bright and beautiful! The others are right - you could easily sell them. Do you have an Etsy shop? ...
    Just went to Etsy and searched "ipad cover" and got almost 20,000 hits. Good grief....

    1. Thanks Jean! No, I don't have an Etsy shop but it sounds like there's crazy competition anyway!

  5. Lovely Linda! ipads are just toys, I am saving for the iphone!

    1. Thanks Donna. I tend to agree. I have my iPhone and MacBook Pro laptop and I don't really think I'd use an iPad too much. But then some days I wonder...

  6. oh oh oh, me me me - I have an ipad and I need a pouch for it! Can I buy one from you?

    1. Thanks Lisa. Lucky you. I'll touch base via email.

  7. Linda, I love these! Too bad I don't have an ipad either!

    1. Thanks Lynda. Maybe you'll have to start saving your pennies!

  8. Wow! They are so cool! I dont' own an ipad but I own a Kobo e-reader! Do you make smaller versions? Or may be a tutorial? I love your blog, you are such a great artist! Your BJP pieces are also superb!

    1. Thanks Anne-Marie. I'm blushing!!! I haven't made any smaller versions, but I will think about putting together a tutorial one day. I'm up to my eyeballs right now, but maybe in the winter. Thanks again for your kind words. Have a great Thanksgiving!


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