
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bead Journal Project: Update of Progress to Date

I'm home this evening, getting ready to help our son move into his apartment tomorrow.  He's starting graduate school in the law program at University of Toronto next week.  I can't believe he's already finished his undergraduate degree!  Where does the time go?

He's busy with his last minute packing, so, as promised I'm back to show you the July and August pieces, properly photographed on the black background and then again with the rest of the pieces done so far, so that you can see how the year long project is progressing.

January - August
  I can't believe how the time has flown.  Only four months left to go!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm getting more and more excited about the 'whole' now that it's getting closer to completion.

  2. Linda, I am so inspired by the work you're doing on this piece. As always, great design, beautiful beads, and skillful execution and technique. I love seeing the blank pieces in the photo as well, it helps me to visualize the completed piece's presence and intent.

    Do you do a lot of planning before you begin your bead embroidery, or are you more of a spontaneous, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of beader? Just curious! I myself belong to the

    1. Thanks so much Bonnie. I definitely make it up as I go along. So much so that on some of the pieces I've run into times where I wasn't at all happy and then had to figure out how to proceed because there's no option of taking it apart and starting a piece over! The only planning was the idea if the spiral and the drawing out of the twelve pieces to make the spiral out.

  3. Its amazing now, but it will be absolutely amazing when its finished. Beautiful.

  4. Wow, what a cool project. It looks fabulous now and I'm sure will be even more so when you have all the pieces completed.

    1. Thank you Terri! I'm. Really enjoying the on-going nature of this piece.

  5. I love this! Especially that they're all so different from each other. Your latest two pieces seem brighter that the earlier ones. Wonder if that's because they were done out at the cottage? Time does fly - one thing we can always count on.

    1. Thanks Jean. Funny, I hadn't noticed that the last two were brighter, but you're right. Maybe it is the summer influence.

  6. A lot of work, but you've done well to get caught up. Lovely work, Linda. xx Kathy

  7. Wonderful! What a great idea and the piece will be stunning when totally finished!!! Beautiful work!

  8. Your work sends me straight into bead heaven, Linda! These pictures will stick with me for a long time; they make me happy. I especially love your August piece and would like to know if it has any special meaning for you. I love the tribal look of it and the use of what seems to be African trade beads (the large red ones, and maybe the blue beads between the red ones). I also love how the whole spiral comes together as a single story even though the parts are very different. Somehow they all have your unique "thumbprint" on them. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Robin. Yes the larger beads are African trade beads. The meaning behind this piece centers around my Mother's 85th birthday, which we celebrated on the 19th of Aug.

  9. I'm not sure how many times I can say "fabulous" without becoming a bore!! I really do love these pieces and hope to be able to see them in person one of these fine days. I know it will be possible, it's just a matter of time.

    1. You can keep saying it Anne Marie! I promise you I'm totally flattered and not at all bored. I'm sure we can make arrangements for you to see it once it's all done. It would be great to see you again anyway!

  10. This is turning out beautifully!!! How fun these piece(s) look together. Great job!

    1. Thanks so much Susan. I'm sure having fun making it.


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