
Friday, September 28, 2012

Bead Journal Project: September

Don't you just love the colour palette Vicki came up with this month?!  I found it really easy to get inspired to work on my BJP piece for September because these colours are right up my ally.
 The 'journal' aspect of the piece was calling out  loud and clear to me this month as well.  September is about new starts for those of us in teaching, but for me, since I'm still not back to work it's a struggle between accepting me as I currently am and fighting with the knowledge that the summer is over and I 'should' be back at work.

I know I'm supposed to avoid the 'should' word, but I find myself going around in circles, trying to come to grips with accepting myself and at the same time working to heal. Big circles, little circles, randomly scattered all over...sigh...

Below you can see the entire year to date.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kit. I think this month's piece is my favourite so far.

    2. Linda, I love it. I so admire your process of making a "whole" out of the months' work and the color and texture.And, I'm in love with your charteuse beads.

    3. Thanks Beth. They are a fabulous colour aren't they!

  2. can't wait to see it all finished. Just beautiful

  3. WOW! this "calendar" is amazing!!!! you're so darn talented and creative, Linda!

  4. what a fabulous piece
    Carol aka traveller visiting from TT

  5. Love this piece and now all of them together. How stunning!

    1. Thanks Lynda. I can't wait to see it finished. I'm very pleased with how it's coming along.

  6. Beautiful beading and a gorgeous design!

  7. Yummy beads, circular motif and fabulous colours!!!! Simply perfect!

    1. Thank you Anne Marie. I think this month's piece is my favourite so far.

  8. How can you pick a favorite? These are all lovely! Beautiful hand work!

  9. Wow Linda! This is the first time I visited your blog, on Judy's suggestion. How large is the final piece with the 12 months and how long does each month take to sew. I keep looking at it and all that comes out is WOW! AMAZING!

    1. Thanks so much Diana. The finished piece will be about 18 X 20 inches. As for how long each piece takes to bead, that's harder to say. I'd be guessing at 20+ hours each but I really don't know. You've got me curious now so perhaps I'll try to keep track this month.

  10. YOU may feel you're going round in circles - but you've created one gorgeous spiral! Focus on what you can do - fabulously - and try not to worry about what you can't. Loads of positives on your blog.

    1. Thanks so much April. Funny, I just gave a similar pep talk to a friend of mine, but it's easier said than done. LOL


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