
Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunsets: Focussing on the Fading Light

Inspired by Kim (Texture Tuesday) and Bonnie (Photo Art Friday), this post a collection of sunsets and sunrises taken over the last couple of weeks.  

My husband and I go for a leisurely boat cruise each evening, and many of these shots are taken while either out on the boat, or from the dock once we return from our cruise.

I love the glowing reflection of the sunset on the lake.

 "Red sky at night, sailer's delight."

We certainly like to see the beautiful pinks and mauves that signal another beautiful day to come.

I love the wonderful silhouettes of the trees.

Another glowing reflection of the sun on the water.  This is actually the sunrise.
Sometimes, before the pink sky come these wonderful blues and oranges.

I especially love the evenings when there are some clouds in the sky to add texture and dimension to the shot.
Here I captured my husband's silhouetted profile  in the foreground of the shot.
This shot was taken only a moment later, but I love how there is a double sun - other worldly...
This is one of my favourites.  I love the variety of colours in the sky.
These photos are being linked to Photo Show OffTexture TuesdaySweet Shot TuesdayOur World TuesdayThis or That ThursdaysPhoto Art FridayShoot, Edit, SubmitFabulous Friday and Photo Friday Link Party.


  1. Beautiful, Linda...sunrises and sunsets are magical. Especially with the silhouettes of the trees to frame it and the lovely lake to reflect...:)

    1. Thanks Bonnie. I have to agree. I never tire of taking shots like these. It seems every sunset is a little different, even when I'm shooting from the same place.

  2. So beautiful!! You must want to be at your cottage all the time! I've found I really love what we can do with our photos using Kim's and Bonnie's textures. Who knew? :O)

  3. WoW!!What beautiful sunsets...lovely colours and captures.Have a great weekend!


    1. Thank you Shantana. I certainly enjoy going out to shoot them every night.

  4. Linda, you are truly amazing! I wish you would come to DE and teach me your skills! I really do hope that one day we can sip coffee and create some art together. you are quite an inspiration! thanks for sharing your amazing work with us!

    1. Thanks Linda. Perhaps you should come visit us at our cottage (seriously!!!) Let me know if you can and I'll send you the directions. I'd love to meet you in person and spend time doing art together, etc. We could also discuss the 'Fifty Shades' trilogy! I really enjoyed it and disagree with what so many of the critics are saying about it.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Melissa! Hope you're having a great, artfully interesting week!

  6. What gorgeous landscapes! I just love that moon shot!

    1. Thank you. I love the moon shot too. It seems especially neat to see it when the sky is already getting light.

  7. Beautiful series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

    1. Thanks so much Gary. They're all taken on Horn Lake, near Burk's Falls, ON. It's such a beautiful part of this wonderful province!

  8. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog post 'Dome Sentinels'. We're located in Prince Edward County, just south of Belleville, ON.

    Your photo's and sunset series are beautiful. It seems we share a common interest of outdoor scenes and life. I hope to see a lot more of your photography.

    1. Thanks Dan. My friend and I were just in your area, visiting Picton, Wellington and area. It's such a lovely part of the province. We didn't have time to visit Sandbanks this time, but I have camped there in the past and loved it. Our cottage is near Burk's Falls, ON so that's where all these sunsets/sunrises were shot.

  9. Beautiful sunset shots, I never get tired of looking at them. We are near Lake Michigan and get glorious sunsets too! Thanks for sharing, Laura

    1. Thanks Laura. I totally agree - I never tire of a beautiful sunset either. Enjoy your week.

  10. Hi Linda, i opt to comment here than the newer post, as i love sunsets than the quilts, haha! We have lots of these scenes here in the country, our house in the province is overlooking the sea for sunrises and my house in the city at the 5th floor of a building faces the sunsets. So it is a daily event, but i wonder really, i don't get tired looking at them! I even appreciate shots of others in other parts of the world like yours! And it is my challenge not to include the sun's glare, it is difficult!

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Sunsets are one beautiful scene we share worldwide.

  11. Wow.. these are so beautiful!

  12. These are so amazing! The moon may be my favorite!!

    1. Thank you Tamar. I'm really pleased with that moon shot too.

  13. Wonderful shots of the sunset....looks like a perfect place to spend your evening.

    1. Thanks Stephanie. It sure is a fabulous place to be!

  14. A boat ride each evening sounds like a wonderful way to end the day! I think I need to get a boat (and then a lake too).

    1. Yes, it sure is! I can highly recommend it. Thanks for your comment.

  15. These are brilliant.. something to aspire to. I love the moon image and the last one.


    1. Thanks so much Molly. I appreciate your visit and your comment.

  16. Great shots Linda. Will any of these be inspiration for the Water challenge?

    1. Thanks Leah. I've already got one piece on the go, but perhaps when I'm done I'll use some of these shots to inspire a second piece. Time will tell.

  17. Wow! - Some amazing shots of the sunset. My favorite of this grouping is the shot of the people in the Canoe but they are all wonderful.

  18. These are all stunning Linda. What a way to end each day. So pleased you shared these with Photo Art Friday!

    1. Thanks Bonnie. We really are lucky to be able to enjoy this beautiful area.

  19. I knew I was in for a treat when I came to your blog. Beautiful images!!!

    1. Thank you do much Carola. What a flattering comment. It is truly appreciated! :D

  20. Great shots, but think I am partial to the one with the sillouettes of the trees and the canoe. Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Thanks Jeanne. I really like the shot with the canoe too.

  21. Hey Linda!! I featured you on Photo Show Off this week! come check it out! Such beautiful shots!

    1. Thanks Amy. I saw and left a comment about it. I'm so flattered!


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