
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Quilt Gardens

Computer Gremlins reeked havoc and stole these photos.  I have tried, but I can not restore them.  Sorry!
Quilts are a big part of Amish heritage, and in this area of Indiana, they have created wonderful quilt gardens to showcase some traditional quilt blocks.   

By each garden, you will find a sign similar to the one shown here in which they show which flowers have been planted for each of the different coloured areas in the block.

At this time of year, the plants are still rather new, but I imagine as the season progresses the flowers fill out and the quilt block gardens become even more beautiful.

These next three photos are not terribly good quality because they were taken on my iPhone and they are of photos in a tourist flyer.
The gardens are located in many of the towns in this part of northern Indiana, around Elkhart, Goshen, Topeka, Middlebury, etc.

Tomorrow, while out on our explorations, we hope to see another couple of these gardens.  If so, I will share pictures of them here.

Until then, let this inspire your gardening creativity!


  1. How beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I love to quilt and how great that they "grow" their quilts.

    1. Yes Char, they are beautiful. If I had more space at home I'd love to try it.

  2. Linda, Every year I think about getting up to that area (I'm in Southern Indiana) and see those quilt gardens. I really need to put them on my list of stuff to do. Thanks for the push.

    1. Isn't it funny how we put off the things that are relatively close to home thinking we can do it any time. Enjoy the visit Lynda. It's a beautiful part of your state.

  3. Replies
    1. They're wonderful and such a brilliant idea. I may speak to the folks in our horticultural society at home about doing something like this in one of the public gardens.

  4. Oh wow - I've never seen a quilt garden! I'm so happy to discover them here, Linda. Thank you for sharing your images with Photo Art Friday.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. Not quite focussed on the negative space image, but I just had to share these wonderfully inspiring gardens that we found on our travels.

  5. What an amazing thing.... a quilt garden. Have never heard of or seen this before. Lovely!

    1. Yes Jeanne, they are quite wonderful. I had never heard of such a thing either, but now I'm inspired!

  6. What wonderful gardens! (I seem to remember seeing some quilt gardens at Stream Cliff Herb Farm in southern Indiana, too. Not sure if they still have them, though - it was a few years ago.)

    1. They are beautiful. I wonder if the one you saw in south Indiana was inspired by these. I know if you ever see one in Georgetown Ontario it will be because of my inspiration after seeing these. :D

  7. Delightful. I've never heard of a Quilt Garden either but it was so interesting to read about them. I hope you get some more photo's of them to share.

    1. Sadly I was not able to get any more photos, but yes Ida, they are lovely to see. They do these gardens every year, so perhaps you'll add it to your bucket list to visit there some time.

  8. this is such a wonderful place to visit with a camera!!! wow! You captured it beautifuly!

    1. Thanks, and yes it really was a lovely place to visit.

  9. Got to go with WOW! I have never seen such beautiful planting. Thank you so much for sharing these fabulous creations.

    1. Thanks Miriam. Yes, they really are a sight to see. Beautiful!

  10. Wow what a wonderful idea. They will be gorgeous when they mature. Valerie

    1. Yes Valerie, that was my thought too. If I go back there again I'll try to go later in the season.

  11. Replies
    1. Just makes you want to get out in the garden and start playing doesn't it!

  12. These are wonderful-I went through Elkhart one year and was thrilled by the Amish culture!

    1. Yes, it is a beautiful area and the people are very friendly. We certainly enjoyed our visit.

  13. We went there 2 summers ago and really enJOYed the trip. I had a hard time capturing the beauty of the "flower quilts" but you've done a fabulous job.


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