
Friday, June 1, 2012


This week's final inspirational word from Kim, in Beyond Layers, is 'FOCUS'.  I took this photo on the weekend.  It's a beautiful flowering bush, but unfortunately I have no idea what it is called.  If any of you know, please do tell.  I chose not to do any editing on this shot because I loved it just the way it was.  I simply applied it to a background so I could put the quote underneath it.  Thanks for visiting!

Update:  Thanks to Sue Andrus, this beautiful bush has been identified as the Lacecap Hydrangea Bush.


  1. What a lovely image and I adore the quote!

  2. Lovely. I wonder if it's a type of dogwood?
    Stay inspired!

  3. Wonderful photo, Linda, love those tiny white flowers !
    Great quote too !
    Nice weekend,

    1. Thank you Sylvia. They are beautiful flowers aren't they. I wish I knew what the bush was called. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Your image is beautiful. They are so delicate looking and I love all white flowers. Very nice.

    1. Thanks Susan. I love white flowers too. Always beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Melissa. It was such a beautiful bush. Wish I had one in my garden.

  6. I have been enjoying your photos in my email inbox! I believe the flowers are on a Hydrangea bush. Not sure of the variety- there are lots with those similar tiny florets.... it looks to probably be a Lace Cap type since there seem to be open florets on the outer ring and the lacy florets on the inside a flat flower head... There are lots of gorgeous varieties available... So far I have 5, two of which bloom reliably every year for me here in NE PA. My variety "Annabelle" is my favorite with the Mophead type flowers (the 4 petal florets form huge, fluffy balls of gorgeousness). I'm a plantaholic as well as fabriholic... both genetic conditions :)

    1. Thank you Sue. After doing a little research online, I am confident that you have correctly identified this beautiful bush. Glad you're enjoying my photos. Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully full of plants and fabric!

  7. Whatever it is, it is gorgeous. I love the Ansel Adams quote as well. Have a great weekend.

  8. Such a beautiful photograph and the quote is so wonderful

    1. Thanks so much Bonnie. Have an artfully creative weekend.


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