
Sunday, June 10, 2012


Bill and I have taken a little road trip just to have a change of scenery and do a bit of camping to enjoy some quiet.  We brought the dog with us (maybe not the best choice-I'll blog about that when we're not so annoyed at what she did) and left the cat home with our son.

Yesterday we went poking in a wonderful antique barn and I took a few photos.  I love all of the wonderful things you find in these places!

coffee grinder

How creepy is this doll?  It would scare any little girl I know. LOL


  1. I've taken pictures like these at a flea market, and then doctored the pics in Photoshop and gotten some really cool results. After all you've learned in Beyond Layers, I can only imagine what you could do with these photos! I will look forward to hearing what the dog did. Did she eat the tent??

    1. Thanks Jean. And yes, you may see some of these photos artfully transformed in the future. I find antique markets a wonderfully inspiring source of interesting photos.

  2. Looks like you had tons of fun! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Myrna. It was certainly a fun place to explore.


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