
Monday, May 21, 2012

One Photo - Three Ways

I've spent some time this evening playing with a photo I took a few days ago with my iPhone.  I have a fabulous new Nikon that I got for Christmas, but my iPhone is always with me and so it seems some of those unexpected shots are captured when I have no intention of taking any pictures.  Thank goodness the iPhone has a decent camera!

The one problem I find with the iPhone camera is that often when the flash goes off the photo ends up being very foggy looking.  However, this particular shot resulted in a crisp, bright centre and the dark edges that I quite liked.  I added Kim Klassen's new texture 'epiphany' and a bit of a subtle border, but it really didn't need much processing.

On this next image, I decided to play with some filters and then I made multiple copies, each time 'grabbing' the corners and transposing them to create this abstract version.

This final image is my favourite.  I was playing with several of Nancy Donaldson's textures, layering them and playing with the blend modes and opacity.  I also experimented with adding a hue/saturation layer in which I changed the colours from the original.  Finally, I added one of Jerry Jone's textures which included some text.  I love the text that subtly shows through as well as the vibrant colours.  I think this would make an amazing substrate for journalling or perhaps some hand stitching and beading in a fibre art piece.  I suspect you will be seeing this piece again, in one form or another.


  1. Neat effects here. I love my new camera, but it is a load to carry around especially with the lenses. I really should get a phone with a good camera on it - but I so rarely use a cell phone, I'm not sure it's worth it just to take pictures ;-0

    I'm shooting in RAW now and my head is....

    1. Thank you. Have you seen the Lowpro Passport Sling camera bag. I got one a couple of months ago and I love it. Here's a link if you're interested:

      Happy shooting!

  2. wonderful layering on the photo with these textures!

    btw: i love your blog background!

    1. Thanks Johanna. It's always fun playing in Photoshop and seeing what can be done with altered photography. The background is a close-up of a hand embroidered and beaded silk fusion piece I did a couple of years ago. It's still one of my favourites.

  3. Lovely shots and have to agree that the phone is very handy and lots of fun to process the photos.

  4. WOW! Linda, you are amazingly talented!! I see how you have carried over into photography and software your quilting eye! These are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing how you worked through the elements of transformation.

    1. Thank you Beverly. It was certainly a fun process.

  5. Such lovely effects and processing! I also love my iphone...the camera apps are so much fun.

    1. Thanks Sherri. I haven't tried any of the photo processing apps on my iPhone. I download the photos to my laptop and process them in Photoshop Elements. Perhaps I'll have to try some of the apps some time.

  6. very creative. love the results.

    1. Thanks John. it was a lot of fun to play with the different textures, etc.

  7. Very cool effects! Textures and editing can be quite fun...thanks for sharing with us.

    Capture Life!

    1. Thank you Kathy. I agree that the processing is as much (or more fun) than the original photo shoot!

  8. One fantastic picture you made there, you tell about it very detailed which is so great, I thank you for that. I am in awe to see what you have done out of "only" an iPhone camera - I found out THAT camera is pretty good as my daughter has one and I can resize the picture to 4600 pixel without it is loosing the quality. Very well done miss Linda Kittmer ;) Love to see your art over and over.

    1. Thank you so much Mariane. I really should carry my Nikon more, but when I'm just out walking the dog it seems silly and yet I end up finding lots of interesting things to photography. Thank goodness I've always got the iPhone with me.

  9. Oh my gosh these turned out fabulously. I clicked to enlarge and oh the detail was amazing. I like them both but I think my favorite was the Yellow/Green version. All those layers/angles were just so interesting.

  10. I have found that there are some amazing textures available to use and so generously free. That makes for lots of fun processing photos. I love the processing that you have done on yours. Valerie

    1. Thanks so much Valerie. As you say, it's a lot of fun!

  11. Lovely work. I really like the second edit!

    1. Thanks Pat. It's kind of edgy and fun isn't it.

  12. very cool and creative!

  13. Love that first one especially Linda. Thanks for sharing with PAF!


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