
Friday, April 27, 2012

What I Was Up to Today...

Sadly some sort of a computer glitch has caused all of the images in this post to disappear, and I am unable to correct the problem.  Sorry!
Back in February, I posted a tutorial about making your own washi tape.  Well, I was running low so it was time to make some more, but having had some time to think about it, I have made a few changes to the process.
I started by cutting my tissue paper into smaller, more manageable pieces.  I made them about 6 inches long and the width of 4 strips of my double sided tape, plus a tiny bit more for wiggle room.  I then put the four strips of tape, side by side, on the tissue paper.
Last time, I stamped the tissue before taping it (with not protection on my ironing/work surface) and you can see I have a permanent record of that day's efforts! LOL
Today I put the tape on the tissue paper first, which I found made the process faster and easier (and less messy).
I also lined my work area with newspaper, just in case, but with the tape on the back, the ink doesn't come through.

Here they are before and after I cut them apart.  Aren't all those wonderful colours just the best!

The other 'studio' time today was spent doing some tidying and organizing.  A few years ago I found this wonderful old post office unit at a big outdoor antique market.  I thought it was perfect for housing fat quarters, and smaller pieces of my hand-dyed fabric.  There are 90 little cubbies in the unit, so I've found there's room for some little bins of various art supplies too.  The glass doors keep the dust out but still let me see what I have inside.
 Today I got busy reorganizing and labelling those bins.  Here's a close up of some of those wonderful little bins of 'stuff'.
And my nicely filled bin of washi tape!


  1. I've never heard of washi tape. How would I use it?

    1. Another name for it is tissue tape. It's used for paper journalling and other paper art. I've included a link where you can see a photo of how I used it on the cover of a journal (the black polka dotted tape):

  2. I just had to keep looking at the links to see all you were doing. Love the idea of personalized washi tape.

    1. Thanks Sandy. It's fun to make and so much more affordable than buying it!

  3. I love your post office unit! Were you a librarian in another life? After our library went electronic, I took the empty card catalog and put it in my office as part of the decor. Other people would have liked it, but, being the boss, I pulled rank. :o)

    I joined Beyond Layers II after seeing your work, and I'm really happy I'm in it. Wish we were in the same group! How much longer will your class continue?

    1. Your comments make me smile. I certainly do like to organize things. Perhaps I was a librarian in a past life. LOL I'm so glad you joined Beyond Layers. The group I'm in runs until the end of the year. Hopefully Kim will have something else up her sleeve for after Dec. 31st. :o)

  4. How do you keep the "other" side of sticky tape not sticking to everything? You did say 'double'sided tape.
    Great idea! Will check out how you use them.

    1. Excellent question DD. When working with two sided tape, there is a protective layer of paper/plastic on one side and the other side sticks to itself as all rolls of tape do. Therefore, when I first apply it to the tissue paper, one side of the tape is being stuck. When I'm ready to use the finished washi tape, I cut or tear it to the size I want and then peel off that protective layer to expose the second sticky side, allowing me to tape it to the journal page. Here's a link to a post showing some washi tape (black with white polka dots) used on a journal cover I did a while back.


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