
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Texture Tuesday: Little Things

Today's Texture Tuesday challenge was simply to use Kim's 'little things' texture.  As I considered a subject matter for the photo, I remembered this photo of a monarch butterfly that I took last summer.  Seeing as it is a 'little thing' itself, I thought it would be perfect.  I opened Photoshop Elements and I started to play.  I tend to fall back on the same few blend modes when I apply textures (usually soft light, screen or multiply at varying opacities depending on the image I'm striving to achieve), but this time I was just exploring some of the other options when I came across 'difference'.  I thought it created a wonderfully intriguing change to the image.  So much so, in fact, that it has inspired me to create a piece of fibre art with this image.  I love the colours that resulted in the altered image.  I'm not sure the direction this piece will take, but I will certainly share it as it progresses.  For now, go ahead and mouse over the image to see the original photo.

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
I will also be linking this to Bonnie's Photo Art Friday.  If you love photo art, you might be interested in checking out her blog.


  1. Oh, my! This is just colors always make my happy! I've had great fun wandering through your blog, and I'm book marking it for future fun.

    1. Thank you Paula. I'm glad you're enjoying my blog.

  2. Love, Love, Love it. Yes, fibre art came to my mind as soon as I saw the picture. I have just signed up for Kim's new class and so excited. My new quote ~ "Linda made me do it". I have to do something using that line. LOL! It is an exciting world in art which is good.

    1. Thanks so much Ruth Anne. That's a real compliment. I can't wait to see what you make with your new quote! Thanks for my morning chuckle :o)

  3. How beautiful. I do mixed media art, too, but our color printer hasn't been up and running for a long, long time. I love your butterfly!

    1. Thanks Juliana. By the way, your name has special meaning to me. It was my paternal grandmother's name, and has become a name that our family is passing on down through the generations. It is my middle name, my nieces 1st name, my great nieces middle name, and hopefully the tradition will continue on.

  4. I love the rich jewel tone the image took on. I tend to stick to the tried and true, but this has inspired me to experiment with dare and flair!

    1. Thanks Teresa. It's great fun when experimentation results in something fun and unexpected.

  5. I absolutely love it...I have been enjoying playing with those "lower" settings as well, but haven't posted yet...this, again, is stunning!

  6. What a beautiful rendition of "little things" I love it
    Well done

  7. Wow, this is gorgeous and so artsy! Great job using the "little things" texture.

    1. Thanks Cheri. I've already started auditioning some fabrics for the fibre art version. So much fun!

  8. What a wonderful effect you achieved with your butterfly photo! I love playing in PSE to get artistic effects, too - there's a weekly photography prompt called "Photo Art Friday" that you should participate in! It's run by Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art and has become one of my favorite weekly prompts. Your quilting is beautiful - have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks so much Sherri. My day is more lovely after reading your compliments. :o)
      And I will check out Bonnie's "Photo Art Friday". Always great to hear of new sources of inspiration.

  9. Hi Linda. Didn't I 'talk' to you somewhere else today?? Anyway, I love the colors in your PAF photo. Gorgeous.

    1. Thanks. And I don't know where we may have met. Are you by any chance taking Joanne Sharpe's online course?

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks. I can't wait to see where it leads me from here.

  11. A beautiful work of art! Gorgeous colours :)

  12. Beautiful! It's fun to experiment with the different blend modes isn't it - I never know what I'll get next!

  13. Hi, Linda!

    This is very artistic work of art. Well done :)

    1. Thanks so much. Glad you stopped by to visit my blog.

  14. Linda, I'm so glad you decided to participate in Photo Art Friday! I hope you'll be back. As I said before, this is a beautiful image and your effects are wonderful. :)

    1. Thanks again Sherri. I'm glad you told me about Photo Art Friday. It's always great to find new inspiration.

  15. Oh how lovely. The colors from the Difference mode really transformed your photo into something very unique. The original is also quite beautiful on it's own.

    1. Thanks Ida. I must say I like the original image too.

  16. Like a butterfly, your photo had a beautiful transformation as well. Love both the before and after!

    1. Thanks so much Geri. Glad you stopped by for a visit.

  17. Art is about transformation and you have certainly demonstrated that here! Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this piece with Photo Art Friday, Linda.

    1. Thank you so much Bonnie. And thanks for hosting Photo Art Friday. I'm so glad that Sherri B. told me about you!


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