
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bead Journal Project: April

Well, here it is just past the middle of April, and my Bead Journal Project piece is done!  As you may remember, I am taking my colour inspiration each month from Vicki's Colour Palette Challenge, and this month the colours came from mouldy pie.  Yes, you read that correctly.  As disgusting as it sounds, the colours are actually wonderful.
I started with some fun bugle beads that were the perfect colour combination as well as a piece of whale bone that my friend Heather bought for me a couple of years ago while she was visiting my cottage.  The spokes represent my bike since I try to cycle about 30-50 km (19-31 miles) each day, and the whale bone represents the centre hub of the wheel with the chain circling the gear. 

I then made a bunch of meandering paths to represent the various routes I cycle, to give it sort of a map view. 
Once the paths were complete I just filled in all of the background area with the neutral coloured beads.

And, here's this month's finished piece.

 Four months done and eight to go...

I love how the spiral is coming together.  I'm starting to think about how I will mount this for hanging since the beads are pretty heavy and once the twelve months are complete the total weight will be significant.  Oh well, I've still got eight months to worry about that. LOL


  1. Oh my gosh, that's fantastic! I love that you used the tans as the background. It's got a Native American feel to it.

    1. Thanks so much Vicki. Glad you like it. I'm really enjoying using your colour palettes as my jumping off point.

  2. Love the feel of this months piece and am amazed how the entire concept is coming together - really beautiful!

    1. Thank you. I'm really excited to see how it's all coming together too.

  3. Each month when the new piece is put into place, I am in total awe! It is keeps getting more and more gorgeous! I love all the textures you created this month. The colors are such awesome!

    1. Thanks! I must say that I'm just as much in awe as it develops. Having no plan other than the overall shape, it's really fun to watch it develop!

  4. I like how this is turning out... I'm following that challenge as well, but in a crazy quilt format and it's interesting to see how different our pieces are!

    As for mounting, have you considered a hard background, like a canvas covered board? That should hold the weight

    1. Thanks Carol. Good tip. I'm actually thinking about black velvet stretched over a board. I like the way velvet absorbs all the light so the beads will really stand out.

  5. Did I tell you that I think this is a great concept? I think I've seen something similar (but different) before and it turned out magnificent!! Your April piece is interesting because the neutral background, really calms down the crazy colours. Not that they needed calming, but I'm guessing that you thought that they did. LOL! I always love pathways in bead embroidery. Not much room for them in mine this year, but I'll still try.

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. I decided to use the neutral background to mimic the original photograph of the mouldy pie. Gross photo, but I love the colours!

  6. This is beyond awesome, Linda!!!! You are creating a masterpiece this year!

    Did you see how Karen L. Cohen mounted and framed her spiral the first year of the BJP? Framed, it's heavy and large, a major work of art to display in her home.

    Like you said, you'll figure it out. In the meantime, adding to an outwardly spiraling progression each month must feel very rewarding. I'm certainly enjoying the journey!

    Robin A.

    1. Thank you Robin. Karen actually emailed me and told me how she mounted hers. I've also got some ideas of my own, so I'm sure when the time comes I'll figure it out. As you say, it's a fun journey. Since I haven't planned anything but the shape, I'm enjoying seeing each piece as it develops.

  7. Wow! That's really cool. :D The colours look great!

  8. What a wonderful combination of pieces! It grows in beauty each month.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

    1. Thanks so much Marty. I'm certainly enjoying the process and I can't wait to see what the next piece will look like. I'm anxiously awaiting Vicki's next colour palette!

  9. This is really lovely! Your spiral is coming together beautifully :)

    1. Thank you Janine. It's fun to see it take shape.


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