
Monday, March 19, 2012

Great Beading DVD Give-Away

 Computer gremlins have caused the images in this post to disappear.  Sorry!

If you've seen some of my heavily encrusted beaded pieces of art, you'll know that I'm a bit addicted to beads (and if you haven't, click on the BJP 2012 tab at the top of the page).  When I first decided to join the Bead Journal Project back in December, I treated myself to a copy of Lyric Kinard's Bead It Like You Mean It DVD so I could get some more information and inspiration.  I am a self taught beader and thought it might be a good idea to learn a few things about how to bead to get the results I was seeking and how to make sure I was securing the beads so that they wouldn't start coming off later on.  I worried about my heavily encrusted pieces starting to fall apart over time. LOL

The other day, as I was planning to start my March BJP piece, I pulled the DVD out again and reviewed it.  I love Lyric's clear and easy manner of speaking.  Its like having her sitting with you in your family room.  The DVD has great visuals and its easy to see what Lyric is talking about as she demonstrates it with great close-up shots of her work as she repeats the stitches to make sure that you really understand.

Lyric explains beading terminology and covers many topics from testing for colour-fastness (never would have thought of that for glass beads!), to needles, threads, and beads themselves. Bead It Like You Mean It is 90 minutes long, divided into 7 chapters.  One of my favourite chapters taught me how to make fun bead cages (the inspiration for the binder cover I made for myself).
Binder Cover: Shisha mirrors
secured with beaded cases.
Another great tip is how to embellish a finished quilt top, working from the top of a finished quilt without making a mess of the back of the quilt with knots and travelling threads.

Bead It Like You Mean It is full of good tips and tricks to make beading fun (read addictive) and even portable.

Here are some images of Lyric's work from the DVD:

Beautiful lines ending in fun spirals
 -what a wonderful way to 
embellish a quilt.
Don't you love the texture of these
 beads mixed with the stitch!
I love these wonderful bead stacks!

Lyric's bead cages capture her
lovely cabochons.

Watch this short video clip to get a peek at Lyric's easy, down to earth teaching style.

Want to win a copy of this great DVD?  Lyric has generously offered to provide me with a copy of the DVD so that I can give it to one of my wonderful followers (that's you!).  Leave me a comment by the end of the day on Sat. March 24th, telling me why you just have to have this beading DVD and what your beading goals are.
Want a second chance to win? If you have a blog, put a post on your blog with a link to this give-away (and leave me a comment linking to your post) and you'll get a second chance to win! 

I will post the winner's name on Sunday, March 25th.  Good Luck!


  1. I would love to win a copy of this DVD! I have plenty of beads but need some instruction on how to use them! thanks!

  2. It appears there are some new techniques to learn on this CD. My goal is always to learn all that I can and explore new techniques.

  3. I have the DVD and highly recommend it. If you aren't the winner, you need to get it anyway! You'll be glad you did!

  4. Hi Linda, I am new to beading and would love to learn some techniques and ways to best use beads in my designs. I love all your bead work it is just fantastic. I am subscribing to your blog so that I can continue to see your beautiful designs! Thanks for the chance to win the DVD on beading! ~Gin~

  5. I love adding beading to my embroidery and beading on fabric. I'm sure I can learn a lot from Lyric's DVD. Thanks, Linda!

  6. I, too, have so many beads and just don't use them! Would love to win this dvd. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Lynda - happyacres at

  7. I have been drooling over this video. I want it so bad. My fingers are crossed!

  8. WOW! Your work is wonderful!! Thanks to Lyric for posting about you!!! So glad I found you and your art work!!! I'm now a follower!!

  9. You will be very glad that I am not closer to your work - I just want to run my hands over it! It's beautiful - I love the colors and texture.

  10. Lyric just introduced me to your beautiful work on her blog today. I would love to be the winner of a copy of Lyric's new book on beading.

  11. I would Love to win Lyric's DVD! I have been trying for years to figure out how to add beads to my quilts, making them look like they belong there.... I very much need some direction!

  12. Aah - to sit back and relax while watching a video and learn something too - how cool would that be? Just the pure inspiration of seeing art being created is enough of al ure for me. BUt als - i too worry about lossing my beads so if this DVD taught you a trick, I'd like to learn it myself :)

  13. What a generous soul Lyric is! The last time I did any real beading was a few years ago in a workshop taught by Anita Luvera Mayer. She had us make small embellished bags out of wool felt that were heavily beaded. You can see my bag here - Some of the fringe on mine has detached from the bag and needs to be repaired. Anita gave us all great tips but I can't remember any of them and I know I didn't attach the beads correctly since I was trying to bead and listen. Having Lyric's video to refer to would be like being in the workshop again and I could not only fix the problem fringe on that bag but use beads to embellish my work as well.

  14. My beading goals are to add texture and color to my art quilts. So far I've used beads pretty sparsely, but I just love the way beads bring life to a piece. I want to add that pizazz to my work! Thanks for the opportunity to win the DVD and to Lyric for introducing me to your fun blog!

  15. Thanks for the chance! I swear... i may have traded by kids for beads in the 'olden wagon trail days!' LOL!

  16. I would love to add beading to my quilts! Thanks for hosting the give-away! ~ Karen H

  17. Oh, I would love to win this DVD of "Bead It Like You Mean It". I love to do art quilts and other things that call for surface design. Having seen some "samples" of the bead work, shows me I need to learn so much more. Plus, learning new ways to create texture is never a bad thing. Any way I can grow in my knowledge of artistic expression, I take advantage of. It keeps art from becoming boring when we learn new things or take the time to improve our techniques. Debbie Kilmer

  18. I'm addicted to beading too. Doesn't everything need beads? I've taken online classes with Lyric and know the DVD must be as good-would love to have it.

  19. I am a self taught beader and could totally use some help! As I pursue the bead journal project I am noticing that there is a lot I don't know!

  20. All my beads go wonky. too loose. Too tight. I need this book. I could finally sleep at night.

  21. I make handmade journals and I would love to embellish the covers with beaded designs. The designs are all so beautiful! Thank you for having this give away and sharing your gift! <3

  22. I need this DVD! :D My artistic vision combines cloth, beads, thread, yarn.. :D Fiber Mixed Media, I guess you would say. Ive taught myself everything I know from books and the internet, this DVD would just help me so much! My goals are just to keep growing and learning. Thanks for the chance to win it!


  23. Just beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity. I bead jewelry and would love to start using beads in my quilts. I just have to have it because it looks so wonderful and inspiring! artsifartsi(at)triscartsi(dot)com

  24. Beading on my wool appliqué quilts is a goal. I hear fantastic things about Lyric's DVD. Winning one would be great!!

  25. I want this book! Maybe it will revive my quilting energies...

  26. This is just what I need to learn beading to incorporate into my mixed media pieces. It's the one thing I REALLY want to learn to add the final embellishment to my work. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!

  27. I love to bead and I'm mostly self taught. It would be a treat to have a DVD to see.

  28. I have piles of lovely beads, but don't have the confidence to do much with them.

  29. I posted about the giveaway and dvd on my blog

  30. I would like to learn someof these great ideas and a bit more about beading. I love texture on my needlework and beads are one of the best mediums to work with for that. Please put my name in the drawing and thanks for the opportunity.

  31. Hi Linda ! how wonderful of Lyric to give you the opportunity to give away what looks like an invaluable dvd for beading ! I am a self taught beader and i have only done a little on my art quilts would love to have the dvd to help me venture into new techniques. Love your blog and great tutorial on the washi tape i will definitely be trying that for my letter love journals. Thanks for the opportunity !!


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