
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bead Journal Project: February

Well, I'm a little late, but here's my finished piece for the Bead Journal Project.  

I started with the purple heart, not because of Valentine's Day, but because of it's representation of the purple heart for bravery.  To make the heart, I used a long piece of copper wire, strung it with random beads in purple tones and then bent it into the shape of a heart.  From there, I just works one area at a time, letting the piece tell me where to go next, until it was done.  
This picture shows the January and February pieces together as they will eventually be put together.  Watch for the progression of the final piece as it develops over the year.  I'll do my best to get them done on time from now on ;o)


  1. Beautiful Linda. I thought your monthly piece was just the heart until I looked here on your blog. It will be interesting to see where you are going with the monthly projects. Kind of like a mystery.

    1. Thanks Connie. I'm glad you're enjoying the mystery unfolding...

  2. This will be sooooooooo much fun to watch as it develops. Me thinks you've cut quite a chunk of work out for yourself this year. I like your wire idea very much! Robin A.

    1. Thanks Robin. And yes, I have taken on a pretty big project for myself, but since I find beading so enjoyable I think it will work out well (I'd cross my fingers, but that makes it too difficult to get anything done LOL). As long as I don't get side tracked by other things I should be able to use my TV time to bead! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

  3. This is gorgeous, Linda, and it's going to be a feast for the eyes when it's finished. I love the idea of creating a single picture from 12 individual pieces. I think this will certainly be a case of the whole being even greater than the parts. I'd also like to say how much I'm enjoying your blog. Lettering art is great fun and the course you've just taken looks very tempting. Also the piece you are working on that you've just posted looks extremely interesting. You are a multi-talented lady!

    1. Wow April, I think I'm blushing! Thank you for your kind words about my work and the blog. If you're interested in lettering, I can certainly recommend Joanne's online course. It really is wonderful and only $35 dollars which I think is very good value for all that she's packed into this course.

  4. Hey Linda! This piece is wonderful and oh, so ambitious!! I can hardly wait to see what the next month brings. Oh yeah, I also hope it brings me finishing up my January piece and making a start on February. LOL!

    1. Thanks! You're too funny Anne Marie. Considering that it was your amazing work from last years BJP that inspired me to do this, I hope next month brings your pieces to completion too. LOL :o)

  5. Oh wow, that's going to be an awesome piece in the end!

    1. Thanks so much Vicki. I'm actually using your colour palette (from the colour palette challenge) as the jumping off point for the colours each month so you might want to consider that as you make your choices each month LOL. :o)

  6. Beautiful piece, again! I will follow your journal with great interest!
    Anne-Marie B.

    1. Thanks Anne-Marie! Glad you dropped by and I appreciate your comment. :o)

  7. I just went to check the March color palette and saw the link to your lovely bead work which I'd missed before. It's really beautiful! I'll look forward to seeing what you make this month :)

    1. Thanks Janine! I must get started on this months piece. I too look forward to seeing what I make this month. LOL


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