
Friday, February 3, 2012

New Look for My Blog!

Well, as you can see I've spruced up my blog to give it a new look.  I've been wanting to do this for a while and I finally got around to it, in part because of a wonderful template from Kim Klassen in our Beyond Layers' group.  What had been holding me back was figuring out how to create a photo collage in Photoshop, so Kim's timing was perfect!  Thanks Kim :0)

Now all I need to do is figure out how to get my background (hand stitched and beaded silk fusion) to extend all the way down the sides instead of just at the top of the page. Sigh..


  1. Yikes, you worked hard at this. It is a really nice banner. Be proud!

    1. Thank you and I must say I am. I really like how it turned out. :0)

  2. amazing banner indeed :) I'm your new follower ;) have a great weekend. xxo

  3. Hey, the banner is great. It took me about four goes to get my simple one sorted. I still have no clue about attaching the buttons.


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