
Monday, February 20, 2012

Messy 'Play' Day

Today has been a wonderfully messy art day.  I was up in my studio playing with a variety of homemade spray inks to create some backgrounds for my journalling.  Joanne from Letter Love 101 gave us a fabulous assignment of playing with colour and texture to create some backgrounds.

She 'required' us to do 5 or more and laughed at herself because she knew once we got started we wouldn't be able to stop!  I've done this sort of thing before, but I really had fun trying a few different ideas that I hadn't done before, and the more I played the more I wanted to do!

I used bristol board, watercolour paper, mixed-media paper and some old pages that were left over from an altered book.  I did have two colours of Ranger 'Colour Wash', but I made other spray inks by mixing a variety of India inks with water (about 1 part ink to 10 parts water).  I also experimented with some silk paints (also 1 to 10 ratio) and Ranger alcohol inks.  I love the vibrant colours I got with the silk paints and the alcohol inks.  As you can see, I had a lot of fun letting the ink run down the page.  I imagine myself journaling on those grid lines later!

I also used some stencils and sequin waste in my play today.  Aren't the numbers wonderful?!
Do you see the heart.  Don't you just love happy accidents!

On this page I used some of the left over pages from my altered book to tear strips for a resist.  I think I'll play with this another day and create more jagged edges with the torn pages.

 These look like a whole bunch of helium balloons that have been released into the air.  Can't wait to journal on this page!!!

 The rest of these are the smaller pages in my mixed media journal.  These were drops of alcohol ink that were allowed to run.  Notice that they don't run as much as the other inks.  The alcohol evaporates so quickly that they're dry a lot faster.
I love this page.  I had put white gesso on the page first and there are some brush strokes that give it a really neat texture.  I spritzed on the ink while the gesso was still wet.  Love everything about this page!

Check out these wonderfully bright little drips.  I let the alcohol ink drip on the page and then dabbed them with a cloth to pick up the excess.

 And now for the bonuses that resulted from today.  Look at these wonderful bits of coloured papers I'll be able to incorporate in my journalling.  I had used these bits as resists by now I'll be able to up-cycle them into another piece of art.
 And then there are the wonderful wipe up clothes.  I can't wait to use these in some fibre art. I have an idea blooming already so check back soon to see the art quilts that are forming in my mind as I type this.  Maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow...
 Needless to say, no studio time can go by without Inspector Cat (aka Arbour) checking it out.

Did I mention it was a messy day in the studio today?  :0)


  1. ha ha ha!!!!!! Couldn't stop at 5, now could ya??? SEEEEEEEE!!! xoxooxoxoxox

    1. OMG! Again with the 12 step program!!! You are a dangerous woman!!! :0) LOL So wish we could meet in person and somehow I think we will some day.


  2. Great to see you were so inspired. I look forward to seeing some of these works of art in your upcoming lettering pages.

    1. Yes, I did get into it :0). Can't wait to get started on today's Letter Loving lesson where we start to use them. Thank for visiting.

  3. Linda, great blog, thanks for putting all those pictures up for the rest of us to enjoy your pages. It's going to be so neat to see them as they evolve into your Letter Loved Journal. Wonderful idea to let them drip and run and use that as grid lines. Hope you dont mind if a few of us borrow that one! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Lori. Glad you dropped by for a visit. And please do go ahead and use the idea. That's why I posted it. I'm flattered when people are inspired by what I've done :0)

  4. Beautiful papers, they would make great background scanned and used in a digital journal.


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