
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love Me, Love Me Not...

I spent some time today playing with my new lens.  My husband got me an AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1:1.8G for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.  I'd love to say I know what all that 'code' means, but all I really know is I can take some great close ups and get some wonderful blur in the background.  Yes, I do need to learn more about my camera and lenses - all in good time!

These pics were taken in my studio, on my white sewing table.  I didn't quite have the bright sunlight I was hoping for, but overall I'm happy with the results.  After creating the collage, I added a couple of Kim Klassen's wonderful textures: "...and then some" at soft light 85% and then "revolution" at multiply 26%.


  1. Love your storyboard and you made me laugh over the comments on your new lens!!! I'm still at the point and shoot stage and turning to manual is still very scary, though I'm trying! Your work has inspired me to carry on trying, thank you!

    Hope you're enjoying BL as much as I am.


    1. Thanks Judy. I do love my DSLR. It's an investment (unless like me your amazing husband gets you one for Christmas!) but now that I've been using it for a while, I couldn't imagine being without it!

  2. Really beautiful work on the storyboard !!!
    I love my nifty fifty :) great dof and works so well in low light conditions !! have fun with it !!



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