
Friday, February 17, 2012

Creating Painterly Effects in Photos

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
As I continue my journey in Kim Klassen's Beyond Layers, I am learning so much about using Photoshop Elements and the fun of processing my digital photos.  I took this picture late this summer while cycling along a back road near our cottage.  I just love photographing barns, especially the older ones.  This one particularly cause my eye because of the wonderful field of sunflowers in the foreground.

For this particular challenge, Kim had us explore the use of textures, layer adjustments, etc. to create a 'painterly' effect in the image. For those of you interested in the processing this photo went through, here's a screen shot from Photoshop Elements. I have version 9, but I imagine other versions would be similar.


  1. I am loving Beyond Layers! Your Painterly shot above is wonderful!!

    1. Thanks Julie and yes, I agree that it's an amazing community (everyone is so supportive ) and Kim is so generous with her knowledge, textures, etc. I'm loving it too!

  2. I'm taking this class, too. I love it.

    1. Great to meet you Teri. I'm loving the class too, and it's especially great that it lasts all year!


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