
Monday, January 23, 2012

Six Words

Today's challenge in Beyond Layers, borrowed from Smith Magazine, is to tell your story in six words.  My photo depicts that it's a long trail, but you've just got to keep taking one step at a time.

Yesterday, while my husband and I were driving back from visiting friends up near our cottage, we heard a news report about some research that indicates exercise in conjunction with meds actually showed better results for people suffering from depression than meds alone.  Maybe that explains my compulsive need to cycle 30 to 40 km (for my American readers, thats around 19-25 miles) per day, hike or walk for hours with my dog, snow shoe (tried that for the first time yesterday), etc.  I just need to keep moving, preferably in places where it is quiet, but using this image as my goal, I am working hard to move toward the light at the end of the path.

About the photo:
f/3.5, 1/1000, ISO 100, Lens: AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f3.5-5.6G

-after adding the text, I used the multiply blend mode on the copy of the background layer
-created a boom vignette to highlight the natural sunlight that was lighting the path in the distance
-added Kim Klassen's texture 'canvas magic' at screen 100% opacity


  1. what a powerful statement.
    keep moving!

  2. that's the way...keep moving!!!

  3. walk down that path to happiness! What a beautiful canopy of trees.

  4. Beautiful image and yes you can! Keep moving - so many other things to focus on and help us get through the day.

  5. wow, such powerful descriptive words...just keep on moving toward happiness.

  6. I really like this. Six good words for help along the way through this journey.

    1. Not to mention the encouragement of friends and new cyber buddies. Thanks.

  7. Love your words...and your photo! Depression is awful and I feel for anyone who suffers, the way I do. I need to get back into an exercise regiment, but first have to let my body heal from my last surgery in December. Bless You Linda:) Angie~ and I'm your newest follower.

    1. Angie, thanks for your openness. I really believe we need to talk about this awful disease to overcome the stigma. Hope you recover from the surgery quickly. Thank for becoming a follower of my blog. :0)

  8. Beautifully said and depicted. I will keep this image in my mind too!

    1. It really helps just to visualize and keep telling yourself that you can do it. Thanks Lisa.

  9. Hello classmate :). Oh boy, oh boy...can I relate on so much you've said here. First of all, I love your whole composition here. Secondly, I'm with you on the depression and exercise. Endorphins baby...helps get ya thru the day :)


    1. Absolutely. Just have to keep moving. :0) Thanks for your comment Kathy.

  10. you illustrated your six words beautifully!

    1. Thanks Cathy. It's a beautiful part of the Bruce Trail that I love to walk with my dog.

  11. i don't know your story, but i appreciate your photo and your words and your honesty. i went through a year-long depression, and i did not know if i would ever be the same. but i did come out of it almost two years ago. i never had to resort to meds, thankfully. but therapy, yes. and i quite agree... exercise does wonders for it. i wish you the best! beautiful photo.

    i came via kk's texture tuesday link up. glad i did.

  12. LOve your photo! and the 'six words' are great! Keep moving, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel : ))


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