
Thursday, January 12, 2012

January's Bead Journal Project

My first piece for the 2012 Bead Journal Project is done.  I started out with the square charm as a representation of my 50th birthday which I should have celebrated last year but because of circumstances it ended up being a non-event.  I decided that I'd have a 'do over' this year to make up for it.  LOL

The first step was to capture the square charm in a bead basket.  After that I did the spirals ~ I do have a thing for spirals.  The rest just came about intuitively.  There were times in the process when I didn't like it much, but fortunately it all worked out in the end and I'm happy with the end result.  The circle is the size of a CD (I traced one onto the Fast 2 Fuse that I used as my stabilizer) so it's just over 4 1/2 inches across.

Close up shows details of mica 'donuts' below the bead 
stacks in the bottom left.  


  1. wow! Look at all that detail! It's beautiful!

    1. Thank you Katie. I look forward to doing all the rest.

  2. Beautiful job Linda. It will be fun to follow your progress through the months. Happy Beading.

  3. Amazing detail Linda! You are such a creative person. It's beautiful.

    1. Thank you Connie. I'm really enjoying the process

  4. You are SO FUNNY..I never heard of anyone doing a DO OVER for a birthday!! Glad you got to celebrate double this year.

    The piece is great. I love it that you actually "journaled" your piece.

    Happy Birthday.

    1. Thanks Carol. The do over birthday is fun. The official day is Monday. :oD

  5. What a nice piece of work! I like your square charm, the spiral, the border, the colors, the mica and everything else!

    Anne-Marie B.

  6. Just beautiful! I couldn't wait to see the whole piece after viewing the teaser over on the BJP blog. Hope your birthday do-over is spectacular. Personally, I feel that the 50th should be celebrated for an entire year anyway ;-)

  7. Great! I like the variety of beads you used. There's lots of nice texture. And the idea of a birthday do-over is a winner.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

    1. Thanks. The do over birthday is officially on Monday but it's off to a great start already.

  8. Great job, Linda!!!! Nice movement in the piece and lovely colours. I particularly like your use of a square within the circle. You're making me ashamed, because I'm still thinking about my prototype. LOL! Of course, I rarely use my first idea, but then again you never know.

    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    1. Thanks. I'm totally hooked on this type of beading and it was your inspiration that got me started Anne Marie.

  9. What a great birthday celebration piece!!! I love everything about it, especially the mica and the spirals... It rocks!

  10. So very lovely! And Happy Belated Birthday! tee hee


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