
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Connected By A Thread

...or maybe that should read "hanging by a thread". LOL

Inspired by the 2012 ONN (Ontario Needleworker's Network) theme 'Connected', this evolved as a bit of a journal piece.  All of the felted squares are connected by a path of beads that seems to be wandering about without any real purpose or direction.  Some areas have been cut away to represent things that are falling apart and they are barely being held together by haphazard threads.  The buttons and safety pins are an attempt to further 'hold it all together'.


  1. what a fun idea! Did you write an entry for this journal entry or is it just this bit of art?

  2. The art and the blog post are the journal as it is. Thanks for your comment. I love to hear what people think.

  3. Check me out girlfriend. Dancing Frog.


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