
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sketchbook Challenge - April Theme: Branching Out/Out on a Limb

Here's my finished journal page for my version of the Sketchbook challenge.  It really was fun to push myself to sketch with pen and ink.  I used the Inktense pencils that I won a while back.  They're fantastic!  I highly recommend them.  You colour with them as you would with a pencil crayon, and then use a damp brush to go over them and get the intense colour.  It's like watercolour, but it's actually an ink.  Great product!


  1. The pencils sound so interesting but what you did with them is fabulous!

  2. This looks like fabric. Is it, or is it paper? I like the results and was wondering if you could use inktense on fabric.

  3. Beth, I know Inktense pencils can be used on fabric but I haven't tried it yet. I did the sketch on paper and then scanned it, digitally altered it in Photoshop and then printed it on fabric and stitched it to the background piece.


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