
Sunday, April 3, 2011

GOE Challenge

My fibre art group, GOE (Group of Eight) poses various challenges to the members each year.  Our current challenge requires us to use a particular piece of fabric and create something that represents the theme "Spring has Sprung".  The challenge fabric was about 6 inches square.
challenge fabric
My inspiration was a video I watched on making wool felted Easter eggs.  Below are some photos of my finished egg from various angles.  The beaded quadrants were quilted with a double sewing machine needle, using a green thread and a peach coloured thread.  All of the beading and embroidery were done after the egg was assembled and stuffed.

I've included the link for those of you who would like to make one yourself.

Top view: 4 quadrants and cord for hanging.
Beaded side view.

Cross stitched seam.
Feather stitch with Colonial knots.

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